Chapter 13

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Izuku, Shinsou, Mei, Uraraka and Monoma were quite literally looking for trouble. 

After they realised that Uraraka had accidentally and singlehandedly humbled Endeavour by cringing at simply looking at him and jumping back, they decided to go try do that to other people they didn't like. (which happened to only be Endeavour)

Monoma was leading them around the stadium, manically boasting about his plans to destroy the world while Mei supported him by saying slay every 5 seconds. Mei was holding Izuku by the wrist with a death grip while Izuku cringed at how his hand was turning faintly purple, Uraraka was bouncing along beside them listening intently.

The plans to destroy the universe were actually just plans to annoy people and offend Endeavour, and they ended up meeting somebody who wasn't Endeavour but like-- close enough?

They met Hawks.

They were all chatting in a group after Izuku complained about his legs hurting, they all sat in a circle. Hawks stood behind Izuku for a good 5 minutes waiting for somebody to acknowledge his precense (yet another hero had been humbled that day, success?) and ended up having to actually act on talking to them, how horrible.

"Hey." He said, in a very monotone dead voice, which made Izuku screech, Shinsou loudly sigh, Monoma laugh manically (that was his nautral reaction to literally anything), Uraraka to also screech and Mei started a screech but then laughed along with Monoma.

He crouched down, joining the circle (Izuku aggressively shuffled away from him, something he would forever deny for no reason.) and started making small talk with the several freaked out kids.

"Are you Midoriya?" he asked, spinning his finger and pointing at Izuku who was still processing the fact that Hawks was here.

"Wuh- Y- yes-" He eventually answered, now sweating at the idea of talking to somebody who he didn't know. Izuku never really liked Hawks all that much, their wasn't much about him on the media to write about in his notebook but he admired how chilled out he was all the time.

"Is this a cult?" He asked, turning to the not-dying teenagers in the circle, they all nodded but Mei took initiative in the conversation as she was the only extrovert without raging social anxiety  in the group that wasn't Monoma.

"Yes! I'm the baby-maker!" Hawks was very confused, and everybody seemed to put there head in there hands and sigh.

"Uraraka is the one that prevents us from jumping off buildings, she isn't very good at her job, Izuku." She whispered the last part yet everyone could hear it and Hawks very visibly did not understand anything that was going on yet was trying to process it. 

"Izuku jumps off buildings and makes sure we all don't die, and dies in the process of that, Monoma plans murders and boosts everyone's ego-- more his own ego tho-- and Shinsou is a cat that follows us around so he doesn't have to communicate with people!" Mei flooded Hawks with information that he took awhile to process, when he was done processing it he was still completely clueless.

Shinsou buried his head deeper into his hands, and since Izuku was done being suprised and realised he is literally friends with the number one hero he so decidde to explain the shit Mei just shot at him.

"Mei calls her support items babies, I have jumped off an uncountable amount of buildings, Uraraka everyone's emotional support and keeps us stable, Monoma is the loudest person I've met since boom-boom-boy, and Shinsou hasn't slept or experienced visible happiness since 1987."

Again, Hawks had to process that information for a good 5 seconds, and in the 5 seconds Monoma and Uraraka had already countined the conversation and started discussing murder plans that everyone happily indulged in.

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