Chapter 6:

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Chapter 6:

*My POV*

"I like you." Brad said. My eyes widened, my cheeks flushed red, and my face instantly had a grin on it.

"I umm... I don't know what to say, I mean, I like you too, a lot, but Melo, she doesn't want us to-" I said but I got cut off by Brad.

"Melody talked to me. She told me to tell you that I like you. We can't tell anyone, yet ya know." He said.

"Oh. Well, then ok." I said and smiled.

"We can wait. I mean, we don't have to date now. We should get to know each other better, first." He said.

"Yeah." I replied and smiled. I smile too much. I just, I can't help but smile when I'm around Bradley. Not only because THE Bradley Will-Simpson, but because I loved him, and he likes me. I grabbed the guitar again, which I had put to my side to talk to Brad, and started playing All About You by McFly, but Bradley stopped me.

"We should go inside. I mean, they are probably waiting for us." He said as he grabbed my left hand intertwining our fingers, which made both of us smile. I must say, Bradley's hand was huge, which made me feel safe in some sort of way. Bradley opened the door and let go of my hand, because ya know, people. We went inside and everyone was just staring at us silent. On the other hand, Melody was staring at us and smiling, which by the way, was kind of scaring me, in some way. I looked down to hide the red colour that was starting to appear on my cheeks, and smiled. "I umm, I'm going to sleep, I'm exhausted." I said. I went upstairs and changed into my PJ's. I grabbed my computer and logged in to Skype, and I instantly received a call from Adam. I smiled and answered the Skype call.

"HEYYYYY!!" Nick yelled. Of course,my awkward brother.

"HIIIII!" I yelled back. Nick and I were in the same or a similar level of awkwardness.

"Hello princess, how are you?" Mom said. (A/N: My mom used to call me princess, so yeah. Nothing to do with Niall.)

"I'm good. Great actually. How are you, mom?" I said and smiled.

"I'm good as well, honey." She said.

"Yo Adam. Why are you so quiet?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really tired. Awkward, right?" He said and smiled. Even though Nick and Adam were my brothers, I thought they had perfect smiles.

"So, you feeling better Gen?" Nick asked.

"Yes. Wayyyyy better. Hold on, someone's knocking on my door." I said, standing up quickly and opening the door, to see Brad.

"Oh I just came to say goodnight." He said and smiled and kissed my cheek making me smile. I got up on my toes and leaned in closer to Brad and kissed his cheek.

"I'm gonna show you something." I whispered and grabbed his arm and led him towards my bed, where my computer was placed.

"Hey Mom, Nick, Adam. This is Bradley." I said as I sat on the bed and placed my computer half on my lap, and half on Brad's lap.

"Hey Bradley!" Nick said.

"Hello." Brad replied.

"The twin with the beanie is Nick, the twin with the piercings and the snapback is Adam, and that's my mom Jannette." I said and smiled.

"Hi Bradley." Mom said. "Nice to meet you."

"You too, Mrs. Buongiovanni." Brad said and smiled.

"Oh call me Jannette." Mom said and smiled. This means she likes Bradley. Pretty good, right?

"Oh, wait. You are the guy that likes my sister. You are Melo's brother, right?" Nick said. Both Bradley and I looked at each other, and I noticed Brad was blushing, which only meant, I was too. I looked back at the camera, and mom was smiling. I nodded in response to Nick's question and covered my face with my teddy bear.

"Well, I'm gonna sleep. Goodnight Mrs. Buongiovanni, Nick, and Adam. Sweet dreams, Gen." Brad said as he waved to my mom and brothers then kissed my cheek, and I smiled.

"Goodnight, Brad!" I said and smiled. "I'm gonna sleep too. Goodnight Mom, Nick, and Adam. I love you!!" I said.

"Goodnight baby. love you too." Said my mom. I turned off my laptop on just laid there staring at the ceiling, until I fell asleep.

*Bradley's POV*

"Mate, I just talked to Gen's family. Probably one of the most terrifying things I've done for a girl." I said.

"Why? Were they bad?" James asked.

"No, they were extremely nice." I said.

"Then why are you worried, mate?" Trisi asked.

"Because, I wanted to tell them how much I wanted Gen to stay here and not go back to New Jersey, but I failed, man. I panicked. Gen is leaving in two weeks. What am I gonna do?" I said.

"Okay, don't panic. We'll figure something out tomorrow at the studio. Now let's sleep." James said.

"Okay goodnight!" I yelled and turned off the light and stared at the ceiling, thinking. I wanted Gen to stay here in London, but there's probably nothing I could do.

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