Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:

*Melo's POV*

"Omg Gen, this would look great on you!" I yelled as I held a black leather jacket out at Gen, but she was to busy on her phone.

"Um Gen?" I said but she didn't answer. I walked up to her an grabbed her phone.

"Earth to Genesis!" I yelled and laughed.

"Oh I'm sorry." She said and smiled.

"Oooh texting Bradley." I said and winked.

"Give me my phone, Melody!!" She said as she tried to get the phone from my hands. Then again, I'm taller than her.

"Get it." I said and ran away.

"Melody Simpson give me my phone!!!!!!!" She yelled as she looked for me. Forever 21 is huge, so she's never gonna find me. ;)

"Gotcha." Gen said as she found me behind the jacket rack, and got her phone. "Oh my God, Melody why did you text that to Brad?!?!" She said in frustration considering I had texted Brad from her phone saying he was a sexy beast and that she wanted to marry him, and many other things.

"Well, it's true, though. You do think that." I said and winked at her.

"I do, but I didn't want him to know!!!" She said as she texted Bradley saying it wasn't her who sent the messages.

"I'm gonna get you Melody, I'm gonna get you."


*Bradley's POV*

I was in the recording booth, and I had my phone in my pocket, but it kept vibrating. When I was done, I went outside and checked my phone. I had like 5 text messages, from Gen. Wth?

*text convo*

G: Omg Bradley you are a sexy beast!

G: you are so perfect!

G: you are the cutes thing on earth!

G: I want to marry you.

G: and i want to have your babies.

*text convo ended*

After I read that, I thought two things. She was either dared to say that, or it wasn't her. I was gonna reply when my phone went off, and it was another text from Gen.

*text convo*

G: OMG! Brad I'm sooooo sorry! That was Melo. She stole my phone and started texting you. Omg i'm so embarrassed :x

B: Haha I knew it xD it's ok, babe. ;) xx

G: Haha okay. Omg this is so embarrassing lol xx

B: haha why? Is it true? ;P xx

G: Omg!! No! xx

B: So, you think I'm ugly? :( xx

G: Yes, Brad. You are the most ugliest human being in this planet earth. (See my sarcasm?) xx

B: So you do think I'm sexy? ;) xx

G: Oh God... BRAD!! I'm in the middle of Forever 21 and I'm pretty sure my cheeks are redder than idk.. Anything that's red xD

B: Hahahaha!! I bet you look adorable :) xx

G: OMG! xx

B: Haha, i have to go. Ttyl ! see ya later! :) xx

G: bye, William ;D xx

*text convo ended*

"Dude! You've been smiling at that phone like an idiot. Were you texting Gen?" Trisi said.

"Yeahh....." I said and looked down.

"Awwww! Little Bradley's blushing." Tristan said and grabbed my cheeks.

"Dude, I'm not 5!" I replied and he laughed.

"Sorry! Let's go back to writing, come on." He said and I followed him inside. I sort of can't wait until I get home.


*My POV*

"Melody, can we go to your house? I'm exhausted!" I said.

"No, Genesis. Wait a little bit." She said.

"Melo pleaseeeee. Ya know what. Let's go eat, shower, and go to the movies, then we can go for a walk." I said trying to convince Melo somehow to leave the mall.

"Why don't you wanna be at the mall? Wait! I know why you want to go home. You want to see Brad, don't you?" She said and smirked.

"If I said no, I'd be lying." I said and looked down.

"Well, you shouldn't have said that, because now I'm gonna take longer to go home." She said and winked.

"Melody!!!" I yelled.

"Genesis!!" She yelled back and I laughed a little.

"I'll walk it's not so far from here." I said and started walking away.

"Fine, Gen. Let's go home, shower, and go to the movies, then for a walk." She said.

"Waheey! Thank youuu!!" I yelled as I ran up to her and hugged her.

"Oh Gosh.. You're welcome!" She said and smiled. We grabbed our bags, headed outside, and got a cab. Minutes later, we were at Melo's house.

"Ok Gen, I'm gonna shower first. You have to wait...." She said and winked.

"Oh gosh." I said as Melo walked upstairs. I turned on the TV and started watching a Pretty Little Liars marathon, when someone opened the door. Bradley.

"Hey!" He said as walked up towards me.

"Hi." I said as he sat next to me.

"How are you?" He asked as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I'm good,tired. you?"

"I'm great." He replied and smiled, well I could feel him smiling.

"That's good." I said as I raised my head and grabbed my phone and checked my twitter and realised Brad had mentioned me. Why? He's next to me.

' @Gen_3013 is being lazy! :P xx'

"Haha Brad very funny." I said as I looked at him and we locked eyes. His hazel eyes staring at my brown eyes. Just realised his eyes had like a light shade of green. Then it hit me. He was getting closer to me. Our lips just centimetres apart. Is this really happening? Bradley-William Simpson was going to kiss me?

"Umm, excuse me, Gen?" Melo said, and both Brad and I looked towards her.

"I'm sorry I interrupted, but umm, Gen you can shower now." Melo said.

I, umm, ok." I said as I stood up and went upstairs. Well.... This is embarrassing..


A/N: hope you like it!! :) xx

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