The Conflict

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"Humans and Pokemon once lived in peace, in separate societies that were normally cordial with one another. But there was one group of Pokemon which didn't seem to abide by this custom. They were called the Buri. They were massive Umbreons with incredible powers and an insatiable hunger. And even then, they kept their focus to Pokemon."

"But eventually, they began to get a taste for humans, and to be anything but the top of the food chain is an idea that humans find especially detestable. So they tried to fight the Buri, and they failed. They struggled many years, finding ever more imaginative and destructive weapons to use against the Buri, but to no avail. Each attack only made their enemy angrier and angrier, and destroyed the world further and further, until one breath of the air was enough to destroy one's lungs, and one would be better off drinking their own urine rather than drinking from a flowing stream."

"And eventually, the humans all vanished without a trace. Naturally the Buri were infuriated not to have their preferred prey anymore, and many starved to death in their petulance. Now, the remnants of the Buri patrol the land, searching for anyone who's eked out an existence in this wasteland, so as to eat them..."

"Of course, things are better now. The air is breathable without a filter. The water is only toxic enough to be a slight risk, rather than certain death. And enough Buri have died off that they no longer wander in packs, and we can come up and spend some time above ground..."

You listen to the Delcatty's tale carefully, trembling a little. It's not lost on you that you might not have been so lucky as to have been found by such a good Samaritan.

Thank you for saving me, you write. He chuckles softly. "We'll see how you feel after I've talked your ear off."

The Delcatty stands, and turns. "I'm gonna go see if I can find us some food, alright? Gotta keep your strength up. In the meantime, just stay here."

You yip, to get his attention, and he turns. What's your name?

"Oh! Call me Michael. You?" he looks, and watches you shrug.

"Hm. How do you like... Tess? You look like a Tess." You nod, although it doesn't sit with you. He doesn't wait for any further answer, and pads out of the den.

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