Chapter 25-

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It was Saturday evening the Crawley's sat down to dinner. The atmosphere was strained. Cora sat next to her Mother and Rose. Mary and Edith sat together which again made Cora uneasy. Robert had sat at the top of the table with Violet. Isobel sat next to Tom. Rose broke the silence.

"I met the most charming man in the village. His name is Atticus Aldridge".

"I've heard of that name. Isn't he the son of Lord and Lady Sinderby?". Cora asked whilst taking a sip of her wine.

"Yes he is Cora. He is very kind. I was hoping if I could invite him to dinner one evening?".

"I don't see why not". Cora spoke with depth to her American accent. Rose smiled.

Everyone carried on eating. Mary and Tom were talking their latest project for Downton. Isobel, Violet and Martha were talking about America. Edith, Rose and Cora were talking about Edith's suggestion on helping nearby farmers Mr and Mrs Drewe's child, Marigold with her future". Whilst Robert looked at Cora. Tom noticed Robert glaring at Cora. Robert couldn't understand how Cora could be so level' headed. Tom spoke to Robert.

"Robert is everything okay between you and Cora?". Tom was merely taking an interest because he wanted to make Robert aware that he here to talk to.

"Everything's just dandy. Couldn't be better". Robert said sarcastically.

Tom out his head down and carried on eating whilst Robert kept glaring at his Wife. Cora looked up and saw Robert. She felt uncomfortable.

.........2 Hours Later.........

Everyone had finished eating. They all dispersed wither into the library or into the drawing room. Cora was sat next to her Mother. Martha spoke up.

"So did you tell the girls about America?". Martha asked.

"Yes I told them. They were really accepting. Robert on the other hand was not". Cora explained.

"What was Robert's reaction?". Martha was desperate to know.

"He got angry. He wouldn't accept it. Said he was going to fight for our marriage".

"And you still want to go to America?". Martha was surprised that Cora was still set on going to America.

"Yes Mama. He can't change. It will always be Downton and Isis first. Never me".  Cora was tearing. "Mama I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning". She kissed her mother on the cheek.

"Goodnight Dear". Martha seemed very sympathetic.

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