Part 2: Greetings And Meetings

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*Canada's POV*

While my brother was occasionally found eating the fruit loops while we drove, I just sat quietly in the back.

my good ol brother almost burned the house down. I guess he IS an arsonist at heart.

but whatever. Wait, hold on,

"Ame? Who is Russia?" I said.

"oh, y'know, the guy who I always talk with on the phone?" He replied "the one who... is a commie but not in a bad way? Soviets son? Russia?" The cute one~"


":) please don't tell Japan"

"Don't worry, your secrets safe with me." I said with a growing smirk. "For now."

"yea um ok dude"

we pulled up at the house. It was, decently big and looked kinda fancy. I regretted wearing casual clothes now but hey, just because it was big doesn't mean that it was fancy, I hope.

then, Ame rang the doorbell.

the door swung open. Revealing a tall, tall figure.


America ran up and hugged him like he had never seen Russia in years. I just walked inside. Apparently he had siblings because a small girl, about my age (?) was also there. I just looked at the pictures on the wall. They had more siblings?! hey! 4! Just like us! That was cool.

The young girl looked around nervously, then ran upstairs fast. I wonder why. anyways, we took a tour around the home. They showed us the living room, kitchen, upstairs, downstairs, and then they started watching a... questionable movie. but then, I needed to use the bathroom. So I walked upstairs, w e n t, then, as I was walking back, I noticed people were inside a room so I knocked on the door, and then opened it.

*Ukraine's POV*

so, me and my siblings were watching movies when all of a sudden, there was a knock. A KNOCK?! No one in this house knocks... the door slowly opened, And-


get rekked goodbye now

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