Cat and Mouse Chase (part 1)

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"So you are saying that Cream is missing?" Sonic asked Vanilla, the mother of Cream.
"Yes, I tried looking for her but I can't find her anywhere.." A tear starts to form in her eye.
"Don't worry Vanilla! We will find Cream. Just wait patiently." Tails said as he hop into the Tornado.
"Yeah! We always save the day, right?"
"..Sigh, alright. Be careful then." Vanilla said.

So they went off with the Tornado, though, why does it feels like someone else was with them?


"Mom.. I'm sorry that I couldn't stay with you.. forever..."

——————————————————————————"Tsk, where is th-THAT-that hedgehog?" Sal

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"Tsk, where is th-THAT-that hedgehog?" Sal.. One'Eye said as they walked around the place.
"You'll never.. find him!.."
"Please Sal-Sally, I'm sure that I'll find him.. even-EVENTUALLY-eventually."
"You'll never!... Wait.. why does that sound like.."

One'Eye looked up and saw the Tornado.
"Wow, it seems like my luck is increasing slowly."
"No.. Sonic!"
"I don't know Sonic, I can't really see anything up here." Tails said unsure as he was driving the Tornado. The two haven't found Cream. Wonder where she is?
"C'mon Tails! My instincts are telling me that Cream must be here!" Sonic said with confidence.
"Instincts? Since when you had instincts?"
"I had it way before I was born!"

Tails decided to land down, he thinks that searching through on the ground will be easier than on the sky.

"Alright Sonic, I go this way and you go that way." Tails said as he pointed out which direction Sonic should go.
"Yeah! This will be a piece of cake!"
And the two friends went on their separate ways.

"I'm coming fo-FORFOR-for you, SONIC." One'Eye smiled.
"Ugh! What even was that?!" Fiona yelled at Nicole.
"Look, I get that you are angry at me, but I couldn't even bring myself to fight Sally.. she is.. my best friend you know?.." Nicole tried to reason to with Fiona.
"No! That can't be Sally at all! That could be some demon! Some demon that must've.. I don't know! Captured her? Possibly possessing her body too! Or even is just pretending to be as Sally in disguise!" Fiona yelled angrily.
"I know but.."

There was a short silence between the two.

"...Nevermind, you are right.." Nicole looked down.
"Look Nicole, I get that Sally is your best friend but whatever that demon or creature that is, never fell for it's trick."
"I know."
"Also, thanks for saving me back there."
"..It's not a problem."
"Not here.. nope, nah, not here either.. gosh where is Cream?" Sonic thought as he ran throughout the place.
"Huh? What was that?" Sonic stopped as he heard a voice.
"Please! Save me!"
It sounded like a young, girl's voice similar to the little rabbit's, so Sonic assumed it was Cream.
"Cream? Wait! I'm coming!"

As Sonic ran, listening to the voice, he managed to reach it.. though, it was not someone he expected.

"..Sally?... Wh-what are you doing?"
"Pfft, what am I-I-I do-DOINGDOING-doing?"

'Sally' was holding a knife, near to a little cat's neck. (which the cat is an illusion)

"Sally.. Drop th-that knife, okay? You're gonna hurt her!"
Then she cutted off the little cat's neck, blood was flowing on the ground.

"Sally- no.."
"Funny-FUN-funny, isn't it? To see you shocked that your own 'girlfriend' just killed a innocent person... but now.."
"Now I'll kill you, my dear Sonic." Sally smiled wickedly.


"i was expecting something different than this.."

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