3 //stalker//

41 5 0

Yeonjun woke early in the morning.

The alarm clock rang at 6 in the morning, woke Yeonjun with its sharp noises. Yeonjun groan and sat up.

He waste no time to climb off his bed and do his morning routine. Changing into his school uniform and take his bag with him, Yeonjun stepped out from his appartement.

Yeonjun took a glance on his neighbour's door. Soobin. Yesterday when he called the younger's name, he ran away immediately. Soobin forgot him, and it hurts Yeonjun a lot.

He shrugged it off and started to walk to his school. Along the road he took out his phone and texted his friends. He have a friend in his new school, that they knew each other since small.

One of his friend text Yeonjun that he'll be waiting for him at the school gate. Yeonjun smiled and put his phone back into his bag.

His apartment is near to his new school. He spent 10 minutes walking and finally saw the school campus at the opposite side of the crossroad.

There Yeonjun saw his friend, Choi Beomgyu, with the other three standing in front of the school gate. He don't know the three, and they're back facing Yeonjun, Yeonjun assume that they're Beomgyu's friends in school.

He rushed to Beomgyu and slapped the yonger's shoulders. "Yah Choi Beomgyu!"

"Hyung! What the fuck! It hurts!" Beomgyu pouted, glaring at the older who's laughing.

"Here I introduce you my friends. Hey guys! This is my Hyung Yeonjun!"

The three turned. Yeonjun looked at them one by one. A black haired, a blonde and...


"You're that stalker at my next door?"

Soobin and Yeonjun looked at each other eyes wide.

"stalker? who? My Yeonjun hyung? Do you know each other?" Beomgyu attacked soobin with questions, surprised the older.

"yeah , this ma-" before soobin could finish , yeonjun cut him off by saying "well , aren't we getting late now? See , the bell is about to ring"

Soobin gave him a weird look as he pushed them all in the school and started to walk to their own classes .

" Tell me everything at lunch " beomgyu whispered and winked at Yeonjun before walking away with kai to their class.

Yeonjun sighed "well, fuck"

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