Chapter.3 Bound To Run

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Hey guys sorry about the slow uploading had it all written up but I'm Dyslexic so my spelling is rubbish so i waited to corrections because well when you get lem instead of limb you might just go wth? shes talking about. so with my super ninja skills I'm hopefully have another chapter not long after this one whoop! so please anyone reading keep it up! really appreciate it.

-RayRay And a Big Shout out to C-Jade310 And HeartOfCookieDough, You Girls are Stars!!!


Jake let out a whimper and lowered himself to the ground, i waited until his attacker move to get a better hold and pounce form behind tearing out Jake's attackers throat, i let my anger go as my wolf take over as every thing became a red haze.


Not long after the haze has worn off and the fighting is down to a minimum our pack's done well a few injured but nothing to serious that a week’s rest won’t heal, got to love were healing saved my ass so many times when I should went down and stayed down if you know what I mean.

Most of the traveller pack has fled those who stayed and made no move to fight us where left alone and told to head and stay at the main clearing, mainly women and children a few men who thought that what was going on here was wrong but could do nothing to prevent it without the cost of their life. It's appalling what's been going on in this pack I'm surprised they survived as long as they have any other alpha would have taken care of their own people.I see the Alpha out the Corner of my eye; I let out a sigh and make my way to meet my father half way.

"You ok son?"

"Yea Da I’m good Jake's the worsted off he’s got a few bites, one broken arm and a dislocated shoulder and a few cracked and broken ribs, Caleb's seeing to it while Simon's taking stock of everything."

"Oh well that's to be expected he’s just a pup like you after all."

"Yea da trust you to call 190 pound wolf a pup...." I shake my head and smile.

Simon then appears informing us that the rest of the team were getting information from the rest of the traveller pack, so far what he heard they were treated pretty bad unless they were willing to be bully's for the alpha, they got by ok other than the dominate males abusing their power to get whatever they wanted and if they didn’t get it they took it by force, the other men did what it took to protect their family's by keeping the alpha happy and obeying, I don't blame them really he didn't give them much of a choice by the sounds of it. I sigh and run a hand through my hair and watch as Caleb saunter over to join us.

"Ashur go with Simon and Caleb and help the others seeing if there are people hiding."

"Sure lets go, Simon?"

"There’s already been some woman and children found, men that haven’t fought against us are helping gather them up safely without scaring them."

"That’s good, nice work."

"Thank you sir, now shall we spread out and have a look round, it would be faster."

"Alright then move out men."

I walked toward the outer perimeter and start on the outside and worked my way in, the first few cabins were empty on about the forth one I found a little boy holding a baby hiding in a cupboard under some crooked stairs. He looked so scared and frightened of me, it made me and my wolf very angry to see a child terrified in such away. I crouched down slowly and sat just outside the cupboard.

“Hey little guy, I won’t hurt you. What’s your name?"

"T-t-tt-tom” he whispered quietly and I only picked it up because of my wolf hearing.

“Tom? That’s a good strong name for a boy” I smiles gently at him

“And who’s that you’ve got with you there? Tom."

"My sister Gemma, I take good care of her” he said softly with a shy smile.

“Where’s your mum Tom?

"Sh-e... she was going to see Auntie Sue” Just then Gemma started to become unsettled. Tom’s eyes went wide as he rocked and tried to calm her.

“We..l.l.’ll get in trouble i-f she’s t-o too loud” He whimpered as he began to shake in fear.

“There, There it’ll be ok I promise, I give you my wolf word of honour” I slowly leaned forward and took Gemma from his arms and settled her in one of mine as I hummed a lullaby to hush her back to sleep. Tom looks at me with a slightly awed expression on his face which left me slightly confused before he started firing questions.

“How’d you do that? And what’s a wolf’s word of honour?"

 "Well I was able to do that because I was calm, babies often know if parents or guardians are agitated, nervous or even scared ok?” Tom nods his head once as understanding dawns before waiting for me to continue “And a wolf’s word of honour is a bond from one wolf to another, kind of like a promise that can never be broken if a wolf has given his word, you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Now shall we go look for mommy Tom?” Tom nodded and I lifted him up onto my shoulders and made my way to the main clearing where everyone was gathered.

sorry its so short got the next 2 chapter written just working on putting it all togeather so here alil chapter


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