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San Diego, Valerie. 19. Is that enough to introduce who I am? They say I'm quite famous. Maybe because I am a top-notch high school girl? An activist? Talented? Or maybe because of my looks—they always say I'm pretty, cute, beautiful, look like an angel—a lot of compliments.

They also say I look like Joshen from (e)Levin. I don't know him nor does he. We both don't even know each others existence. But I always get the "You look like Joshen Hardez! Are you siblings?" So I started to get curious and dig some information.

He's a band member of the boy group '(e)Levin'. They debuted, made their own way to be one of the PPOP group powerhouse. Nothing much that caught my attention. The only thing that makes us seems brother-sister like is our eyes, face shape, and smile. If I don't know that my surname is 'San Diego' I will definitely think he's my biological brother.

Since I don't really care, I stopped digging information about him. I got lots of things to do everyday and suspecting Joshen as my older brother is not one of that. I continue my life, make my parents proud, make everyone get jealous of me, and ignoring the nonsense things that get along my way.

Until one night, after my dance and piano lessons, while walking on my way to our house, a black van stop beside me, stop me on my track, hugs me, and said the most ridiculous things I ever heard.

"Kesha. It's you! My younger sister."


Chapter one is up!

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