Those Who Sail on the Seas!

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The scene is set, going from pictures of ww2 ships fighting, to revolutionary war era ships fighting, while 2 people talk off screen, a woman, and a male

"The truth is, war never changes, it stays the same, no matter which era it happens upon."

"The sirens. With their vastly superior technologies, the sirens effortlessly pushed humanity out of the oceans"

"There was no longer any place on the sea for mankind"

"To counter this extraordinary event, humanity organized a global alliance"

"It was called, Azur Lane"

The scene changes, and now it's an aircraft carrier, being trailed closely behind by a battle carrier

"Is everyone ready for departure?"

"I am, are you, Enterprise?"

"I'm ready"


"Ok, be safe you two"

"Thank you for your hospitality, Vestal"

Argo hops off the deck, and his ship dematerialized into wisdom cubes and starts attaching to his body, and starts sailing to the base, as the scene changes, again, this time to Cleveland and Prince of Wales

"Sure is getting busy around here"

"I would rather describe it as over crowded, look at everyone, Eagle Union, Liberation Province, and Royal Navy"

"Bet you can't guess who else is coming in from my side? Hint, it's the ship with the most battle stars ever received!"

"Ah, you must mean the famous Grey Ghost"

"It'd be rude to keep them waiting, let's hurry!"

They walk to one of the carriers, where they meet 2 carriers and a light cruiser

"Nice to see you again Wales, who's your friend"

"I'm Cleveland"

"Well then nice to meet you Cleveland, I'm Longsword, Liberation Province"

TPNS Longsword, Longsword class light cruiser

"Her highness has emerged from on high to meet us, to what do I owe this honor" Illustrious says

"Don't say it like that, I'm glad to see you, it's been a long time"

"Indeed it has"

Cleveland notices Unicorn watching them from behind Illustrious

"Hi there"

Unicorn quickly goes back to hiding

"Unicorn is a bit shy, she doesn't mean to be anti-social. Please don't take her behavior personally" Illustrious explains

Time skip brought to you by Argo beating Bismarck in a drinking contest


Back to your regularly scheduled chapter

Ships are going up in flames and pillars of water, all around him, but he doesn't hesitate.

"Cardinal, guns loaded!"

TNPS Cardinal, Cardinal class heavy cruiser

He summons his riggings and starts gliding across the water, dodging and shooting at the same time

"I can't be the only one fighting right now?"

He continues shooting and dodging, until he spots Cleveland and her sisters join in the fight

Azur Lane: Thetean Might! (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now