Pulsing Waves, Steel Wings, Oil Oceans

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"We are weapons, shaped like humans. The wisdom cube. An unknown crystal substance brought to humanity through the battle against the sirens. The mental cubes are the basis in which we are created, imbued with the power to fight the sirens. That is the power of ships. The power to conquer the seas and defeat the sirens."

The scene changes back to the harbor, where we left off. While the Manjuu are cleaning up the mess. San Diego is spotted in the water, and they grab her with a fishing rod

"They got us"

"I didn't expect Sakura Empire to make the first move"

"Neither did I"

"Sakura Empire allying with Ironblood was no surprise, Spectator, but..."

TPNS Spectator, Spectator class battleship

"Are they aware of the danger of the sirens?"

"Let's focus on rebuilding as fast as possible. The main Royal Navy forces should arrive soon"

"Eagle Union's Enterprise, and Liberation Province's Argo, they really saved us this time"

"Yes, but she is unsafe"

"She is strong. She has no hesitations, like an arrow flying straight in the air, but"

"A tightly strung bow can easily snap..."

The scene switches to Laffey, Javelin, and Gleaves, who are sailing to a pier, they jump onto it and summon their ship back

"I'm glad everyone seems to be ok"

She looks at Laffey

"Wait Laffey, are you ok?"

"Laffey is normally like this"

"Maybe not. Too sleepy..."

"Don't fall asleep out here!"

Javelin and Gleaves roll Laffey over, and in front of them are Unicorn, PoW, and Illustrious, when Javelin and Gleaves pick Laffey up, Unicorn speaks

"Oh, Javelin! Laffey! Who's with you?"

"I'm Gleaves, nice to meet you"

Unicorn runs over to them

"Unicorn, are you ok? Were you hurt?"

"I'm fine, thank you!"

"You three did very well. You saved us"

Javelin has a quick flashback to Ayanami and when they met her, but then Laffey accidentally unbuttons her dress. Gleaves looks away quickly

"Yeah... I'm just gonna look away now"


He still holds up Laffey

"So tired... also hungry and sleepy"

"You must be exhausted, go ahead and rest"

"Oh, excuse me"

"Resting is part of your duties"

PoW, Illustrious, and Unicorn walk away, and the scene changes to Cleveland and Cardinal helping the Manjuus with repairs

"Steady, steady, stop!"

"There's so many repairs to do..."

They turn to see Sandy crying over her ship

"My ship!"

"If we at least had a repair ship" Cleveland complained

"Yeah, that would be a big help" Cardinal agreed

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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