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YOU wanted to run, go anywhere, your room, the classroom, anywhere safe. But you didn't have that luxury right now at school, so you were stuck. Stuck holding a  heavy bathroom door open, legs unmovable, with your crush approaching you.

A grin spread over Susie, dropping Kris onto the floor. Kris' head still hanged low, it looked like they needed a while to recollect themselves. Truthfully, you wished you had never said anything so Susie wouldn't be approaching you, but it felt selfish to think so. You saw Kris slowly get up as Susie went forward, their knees trembling lightly.

"Hi." Susie placed her hand above you, pinning you to the door. That one single word made you feel butterflies in your stomach, but at the same time you could tell that the word had a negative tone, which made you want to disappear. You didn't respond to the word. "You won't say anything about that, will you?" Your legs finally decided to move, so you were about to run when Susie grabbed your wrist, hard. You simply knew it would leave a bruise. "Oh no you don't." She said.

You felt her claws begin to dig into your skin, making you wince. You couldn't look down at your hand at the moment, you didn't want to look at the worsening damage. You heard a small drop hit the floor. You couldn't tear your hand out, it would only make her grip stronger making the wound worse, and if you even made it out it the wound would be worse due to her claws scraping your skin.

When a second drop of blood hit the floor, you felt Susie's grip loosen. You looked at Susie, who glanced down at your wrist, but noticed your gaze and turned back to you. In the short time you had, you wondered, did she mean to hurt you? "Maybe I should bite your face off so you don't run?" Susie opened her mouth, getting closer and closer to your face. You pressed your cheek to the door, trying to delay the seemingly inevitable.

Susie was about to bite your face off, when she turned away. "Nah. Don't feel like it." She stuffed her hands in her pockets to rumage for something, when her left hand pulled out and threw you a bandaid, which despite your state, you catched.

Kris finally got to their feet, and walked towards you. They put a hand on your shoulder, as if they were asking if you were okay. You nodded, but you certainly  didn't look okay with a bleeding wrist. You teared the bandaid package open, and carefully placed it on your wrist.

Kris walked into the bathroom, and grabbed a paper towel to wipe away the blood that had dripped down your arm and wrist. They handed it to you, and you grabbed it silently with a smile. "Thanks Kris. You're a really good friend, you know that?" You said quietly. For the first time in a while, Kris cracked a smile.

You and Kris were friends since you moved in two years ago. Truthfully, it was nice to have a human friend as the both of you were really the only two humans you knew about in the town. They were a great listener, they listened to your rambles about things you liked, or if you didn't feel like talking, you could just hang out watching videos or reading together, or maybe just relax in a bench. They were also the only one who really knew about your crush on Susie.

You heard a loud scoff from Susie. "What's taking you two so long?" It hadn't been a minute. You could tell from the clock in the hallway. You wiped the blood away quickly, threw the paper towel away and walked along Susie and Kris.

Susie walked considerably fast, but you wanted to stay behind Kris, who was walking at a normal pace. "Why are you two so slow?" Susie scoffed. Neither you or Kris said anything in response. As you walked, you had to wonder. Was Susie safe to be around? If you were in a relationship, would she hurt you like this most of the time? Would it even be on accident? What ifs filled your thoughts, until Kris tapped you on the shoulder to check on you. You have a quick thumbs up, and kept walking.

Once you reached the supply closet, it looked more menacing than you last remembered when you had to go get the chalk last time. None of you approached it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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