𑁍 new beginnings 𑁍

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3rd POV~
God that plane trip was long. Even if you did sleep through most of it, it still took forever. Now you're here in some towns airport looking for your weird aunt. Don't get it wrong she's not a bad person she's just strange, y'know like salt circles and incense everywhere. You didn't mind of course, just find it a bit strange. Shaking your head you snap out of your thoughts and get your suitcases, two suitcases and a little backpack. Scratching through your backpack you pull out your phone and some earphones, plugging them in you look for the desired song. There it was! 505 by Arctic Monkeys, that good shit.

You put the song on and begin to walk through the crowded airport, keeping your head down, bags rolling behind you. Holy shit there's so many people. 'Gotta stay focused Y/N.' you think to yourself 'Just find aunt Ophelia and get home.' You give yourself a small smile and continue on the walk to the main area where families and friends would wait for their loved ones to return to them.

Walking out some more you came to even more people. Groaning, you begin to make my way through this jungle of people while searching for the lady known as your aunt. To describe her appearance she had the same skin tone as you just slightly more tan due how much time she spends outside and she has bleached hair, very long and thick hair as well. Not to mention how she always looks stoned out of her mind.

You search for a while longer while looking very upset, a pout on your face. Finally you decide to sit down at one of the bench of a few minutes of searching. Taking your cell out you begin to message Ophelia.

Y/N <3:
Hey aunty where r u 🧍


No response. You try again simply sending a 'hello?'... No response again. 'Fuck, she must've forgotten.' you exhale and lean back against the benches. First day in a new town already going horrible. Worst part is you didn't even have any friends to text to pass the time.

When you broke the news of the move and the whole situation with your parents they began to distance themselves. Not inviting you out to hang out or not saving spots for you at lunch. Finally, the day before your flight they come to visit you by your grandparents and break the news of dropping you. Saying things about how the friendship wouldn't work out then it began to spiral into just nasty insults. About your scars, your style of clothing, your hair just everything. They left you a crying mess. Heart shattered.

You cringe at thinking about it as you look around the airport. There were a few places to grab some grub and you did have a credit card on you. Then it was decided, you would go to that cute café in the corner of your eye. Getting your things you made your way over to the café, hoping that your aunty would come soon.

~time skip~

3rd POV:
It had been 7pm. You were passed out on one of the café tables, tears damping your face as you slept. The workers there didn't dare disturb you, mostly out of pity for you. They even offered a free pastry after hearing your story. Obviously you took it and ordered a slice of some warm apple pie. That helped better your mood for a bit but once it hit 5pm you couldn't take it anymore and laid your head on the table with silently crying.

Not so peacefully you slept warning strange looks from other paterons. Some out of pity, some concern and some just straight up dirty looks. Not like you knew, you were asleep. The sun had been setting as the night time rush began. Many people rushing around to catch flights or get home.

Just then a tall lady jogs over to you, her bleached hair up in a high ponytail. Her beaded necklaces and bracelets making clicking sounds every time she moved. Bright red lipstick stained her lips as the woman approaches you. "Y/N! Oh shit Y/N wake up!" Ophelia pleads while violently shaking her. The woman had gotten so high earlier that she completely forgot about how she had to come pick you up from the airport.

If the shaking didn't wake you up the smell the lady gave off definitely did. She smelt of strong cannibus and rosemary. Coughing, you begin to stir opening up your eyes to harsh bright lights and hair in your face. "Wh-what? What's going on?" you had asked still obviously out of it. Last thing you remember was putting your head down. Then it clicked, you had fallen asleep in the restaurant and only now your aunt has arrived to get you. Oh fuck this is so embarrassing.

"Holy shit you're okay! That's good now c'mon let's go kiddo!" Ophelia says taking your suitcases and dragging them to the car. Watching the woman you frown, wiping the tears away from your puffy cheeks. Quickly you had paid for your meal and sighs, thanking the workers and running after your aunt. A very upset look on your face as you followed.

Once the two of you were outside you take in a breath of fresh air and sigh. "Aunt Ophelia what the fuck?! You forgot about me!?" you begin to yell at her while your face turns red due to anger. The lady in front of you sighs and looks away in shame. She was supposed to be your guardian, your parental figure since your parents are gone but instead she's already messed up on her first day on the job.

Calmly she begins to escort you to her car, it being decorated with stickers and cool designs. Angrily you help her pack away your bags and go to sit in the car although now sitting in the back seats. "Buckle up kiddo, it's a 3 hour drive to Nockfell so I suggest you go sleep for the ride." your aunty says with positivity in her voice, the car beginning to start up. You groan and close your eyes, turning up the volume of your music to 100% as to drown out all remaining noise. Your eyelids fall on their own as you drift asleep, although your face still had an upset expression.

This place is gonna totally suck ass.


Rose Blunts ♡︎ Ashley Campbell x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now