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It had been years since I found myself following Vanitas to the ends of the Earth. I still couldn't even figure out why it was I found him so intriguing. My obsession was insurmountable. The obsession being trying to comprehend what it was about Vanitas that made him so interesting.

There he went now. Splayed across the roof of Domi's second castle. The sun was biting across his skin and reflecting against the earring. I wanted him to open his eyes so I could watch the blue pools find something in the sky.

His pale skin seemed unbothered, unlike his scar from Misha which seemed to wince in the sun. He had fresh scratches on his neck too, from our most recent attempt to saving another family of vampires.

He rolled his head towards me and I stopped breathing, bracing myself for whatever he said next. "Noe."

"Vanitas." I said with the same odd and empty tone.

He stared at me, analyzing something, and rolled his head away. "Go away." He said in monotone.

"What the hell is your problem! I'm not going anywhere" my arms flailed beside me and I crossed them after.

I watched a smile dance across his face. "Bastard," I said before jumping up out of the window and heading towards him. "Vanitas, we have to go."

I reached my hand towards his smaller exposed hand.

Vanitas turned his head towards me and suddenly his ears shed a red color. "Vanitas?" His eyes widened and his swatted my hand away.

"I can get up myself."

I watched him stand and dust off his coat. I watched him stretch his lean body like a small black cat and turn towards me. His blue eyes were swimming with thoughts and my own eyes, burning of ember just stared back.

"Let's go." He brushed passed me, ears still burning pink, and jumped through the window I had come through.

I watched him leave and stared at the window for a bit. "Maybe sunburn?" I whispered and followed behind him.


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