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AN: So, I always forget the exact dialogue in the beginning of the movie, so please bear with me guys. Also, sorry if I spell anything wrong. Other than that, enjoy!!

Italics mean: a character having a dream or flashback


Jordan's POV:

*Dream world*

    I was standing near a cliff. The only sounds being the waves hitting the base of the rocks at the bottom. The only smells being the ocean air. The moon made the waves shimmer. It was freezing cold, so I started to rub my arms, which looked pale in the moonlight.

  Looking around, I was all by myself. That was, until I heard a voice behind me. "Hey there, sweetheart."

  I quickly whipped around to see who it was. Standing about 8 feet away was a man with platinum blonde hair, which was spiked up in the front, and had a short mullet in the back. His voice didn't sound snarky, like he had no intention to upset me.

  His voice sounded sincere and soft. Which, for some reason, felt as though he was never like this.  He was wearing a black trench coat, black shirt, black pants and boots. Accompanying all that, was a feather earring dangling from his right ear.

  I've never seen this man before, so, why is he in my dream? Have I met him before? I'm not sure I have.

  "Who are you?" I asked, my voice sounding slightly raspy from a dry throat. "Don't worry," the man said, "We'll meet soon enough. Trust me."

  And for some reason, I did.


  I groggily opened up my eyes, and blinked a couple times. Who was that man in my dream? Why did I seem to trust him so much? What does he mean by 'we'll meet soon'? It was just a dream, so it probably didn't mean anything. 

Pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind, I decided to tune in to the rest of my surroundings. My older brother Michael had an arm around the middle section of my arm, holding me against his side. Michael is 18, and he's supposed to turn 19 in about 6 months. Half a year.

  I'm 17. Just a year younger than Michael. I noticed, sitting up front is my little Brother Sam by a year, who Mike and I like to call Sammy. My Mom, Lucy, was sitting next to him. 

  From what I can tell, they're all fighting over which music station to listen to. Every station my mother chooses, the boys say, "No!", "Next one." or, "Pass!"

  My Mom switches to a station where a lady is singing words I can't understand. My Mom however, lights up and says, "Oh! This is from my era!" And the boys keep yelling to change it as my Mother sings, "Groovin' on a Sunday afternoon!"

  After a couple seconds of that, my Mom finally gives in. "Oh, alright, fine." She reaches over to the radio and turns a dial, which moves to the next station. The radio starts to play 'People Are Strange' by The Doors. 

  "I love this song!" I shout. Sam looks back at me, while Mike looks down at me. "Sorry if we woke you from all our yelling, Jo." Sam says. I smile at the nickname, "It's alright there, Sammy. You didn't."

  All of a sudden, Sam asks my Mom, "Ugh, what's that smell?" To which my Mother laughs, "That's the ocean air!" A smell hit my nose as some air gusted through the open truck windows. It did smell pretty funky.

  Sam makes an odd face. He looks back at me and wears a disgusted expression, which makes me laugh. He turns back forward and responds, "It smells like something died."

  I got bored of Mom and Sam's talking and tuned them out, soon I resorted to looking out the window with Mike. The whole reason we're moving is because of my Father. If I can even call him that. 

  When my Mom and him got divorced, she decided we needed a new scene after that. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of happy to be somewhere else. It feels like I'm leaving that life behind. Dad never really did like me much. Dad loved Sammy to bits, but Mike was the centered child.

  Dad would always say he liked Sam more because he had a life, friends, and things to do. Mike was the perfect one because he had a job as a mechanic and helped with yard work, and he was smart. I, I was just the one who did the chores, and had no other purpose. 

  I never really did have true friends. They always said I was weird, and that I didn't fit in. To Dad, that meant I really had no purpose except for chores and errands. Other than that, he acted like I wasn't even there. 

  Sometimes, he would have a short conversation with me whenever Mike, Sam or Mom were around. He would only PRETEND to like me. But, when no one was there, he acted like I didn't even exist. I had been a ghost to him.

  At some point, I had gotten used to the neglect. So now, whenever someone gives me a compliment, wants to give me attention, or just wants to have a conversation, I get flustered. Not in a 'I have a crush' way. In a 'I'm not used to this' and, 'what do I do?' way.

  But, for a while, I had a job at a Coffee shop. I had to quit though, since we decided to move. This resulted in no social life. So, I'm not very good with words. Or people, for that matter.

  I know that my family loves me. They give me attention, and I spend the most time with them, so I've developed some very small separation-anxiety. Mostly with Mike and Sam though. Of course, I try not to let it bother me, because I don't wanna hold them back. I want them to do the stuff they want, and not have to be weighed down by me. 

  Deciding to tune the world back in and let those memories float away for now, I take in what's outside the one of the windows of the truck. Mike and I are looking out the same window, and slowly passing us is a sign that reads 'Welcome to Santa Carla'. As we continue to look at it, we see on the back someone had spray-painted in black and red, the words 'Murder Capitol of The World'.

  Mike and I look at each other. He gives me a 'dude' look. I just give him an 'oh well' face. He shrugs and continues to look out the window. This place is gonna be interesting. 



- So, how did y'all like this chapter? 

- I'm pretty proud of what I have planned out. 

- Let me know if I spelled anything wrong!

- Just thoughts in general?

Q: Which Lost Boy is your favorite? 



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