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Adrien woke up in an unfamiliar room. There was a big white screen, and he was in a... theatre seat? When he tried to look around, he felt the weight on his shoulder.

It was Marinette. She was asleep like he had been a moment ago, and she looked so peaceful.

She had a neutral expression, and a bit of drool dripping on her chin. He chuckled lightly, not wanting to wake her, and raised a finger to wipe off some of the drool on her chin.

Suddenly, she started whimpering and shaking her head. Just as Adrien started to worry, she shot up, panting, and her eyes unfocused.

After a few deep breaths her eyes refocused and she looked around, noticing everyone in their seats start to wake from their slumber.

She finally saw Adrien looking at her with a worried expression. Although when she looked towards the front, at the screen, she noticed Master Fu on a little stage in front of the screen.

"Master...?" She whispered to herself. Tears came to her eyes as she remembered what happened a day ago. He winked in her direction and Adrien felt his mouth drop open a little at the sight of the Master.

In a minute everyone came to, asking questions and wondering whether this was an akuma.

Taking a closer look at her surroundings, Marinette noticed a table in the back with a bowl of macaroons and Camembert. She vaguely remembered, Plagg mentioning Camembert on one of their meetings.

"Master- I mean, uhhh, sir, what's going on here?"

Marinette stumbled through her sentence. Alya and Adrien laughed at her, both for different reasons, and Marinette blushed furiously. Kim started rambling.

"Are you an akuma? Did Hawkmoth send you??"

Master Fu spoke up.

"Well, for one I am not an akuma, young sir, so you don't need to worry about that,"

Kim shut up at that moment.

"And I originally only intended for Ladybug and Chat Noir to be here, to watch the tapes in my possession so they can defeat Hawkmoth finally. But old magic is risky, and I ended up bringing all of you here too. Accidentally, of course."

Marinette was excited she was going to see Hawkmoth's identity- but at the same time terrified. All her secrets were going to be revealed, including her crush on Adrien! Not that secret to everyone else, but Adrien still didn't know!

While she was freaking out on the inside, Adrien was fist-pumping in the air. Internally, obviously. He was going to know who his m'lady was! Of course he was excited!

Meanwhile, Alya was at another level of excitement, reaching for her phone; only to find it wasn't there.

Noticing Alya's distress and confusion, Master Fu addressed everyone once again.

"Don't worry everyone. I have taken your phones for this, but you will get them back afterward this- let's call it a viewing. And just so you know, we are in a pocket dimension."

"Uh, what is that supposed to mean?" Kim asked, dumbfounded.

"Pocket dimensions are spaces that are too small or too easily accessible to be truly considered a separate dimension and are referred to as a small extra pocket of space that is attached to our own. Much like an actual pocket, they are often used for some extra space where you can get things bigger on the inside." Max answered, fixing his glasses.

Although Kim still had not understood anything being said, he just sat there nodding like he did. Alix rolled her eyes at him and his silliness.

"What he means is," Master Fu started explaining, "We are in a little dimension, inside a bigger dimension. And, in this pocket dimension time doesn't work like it does in your dimension. Time is not moving in your dimension right now. So, when you get back, everything will be exactly as you left it."

"Okay, well- now that you have that boring fact out of the way. Why am I not sitting next to my Adrikins!?" Chloe asked with a shriek.

Marinette and Adrien rolled their eyes. As did everyone else in the theatre.


Was all Master Fu said. Then, he walked over to the seats and sat in an empty seat next to Kagami.

"We will be watching the Origins of Ladybug and Chat Noir first. Afterwards you can watch any tape you want unless I tell you to wait on a tape."

A/N- Ok! Done! Whoo! I'm going to be working on the next chapter right now, so stay tuned!

Stay hydrated, eat a snack, and have a good day/night/afternoon wherever you are <3

Vote and Comment for my self-esteem haha.

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