Chapter 2

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Your palms brushed against the satin sheets of the luxurious bed adequate for a queen

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Your palms brushed against the satin sheets of the luxurious bed adequate for a queen. Its maroon color looked outstanding against your sickly pale epidermis, your bony fragile hands, your long wellgroomed fingers. Your entire body felt light and heavy at the same time, foreign, and demorphed. You shifted the cloak and inhaled sharply when you saw how thin your legs were, as if devoid of any muscle tone. Your calves were atrophied as if not utilized in months, your thighs followed the curve of your femur with no sufficient adductor muscle to fill in the gap. You were not anorexic but your body was disturbingly scrawny.

Your sensitive fingertips brushed against the thick velvet cloak, its warmth surrounding your now dry skin. You blushed as you inhaled the heavy musk of the dark gentleman who carried you here---Ani. Why did that name sound so familiar?

"Your bath is ready, Lady Vader," you heard a robotic tone to your right startling you. Where did that "droid" come from? It looked more like a sci-fi invention than a practical artificial intelligence. It levitated off the ground unnaturally, its lights blinking in all sorts of ways. Vader? Lady Vader?

You frowned at the coincidence, setting your feet down onto the carpeted floor. You refused to believe the presented reality, refused to believe you were conscious. However, with every inspected detail your mind cracked ever so slightly with heavy realization.

You were familiar with the story, of course, its tragedy, its timeline, and its lore. But you rejected the obvious signs. Frowning in thought, you put your full body weight on top of your weak legs, seeing them shake. You held onto the bedpost for support, taking experimental steps forward. Steadily you followed the droid into a connected lavatory, sweat forming on your forehead as you felt the burn in your thighs. Completion of such basic tasks made you swell with pride as you carefully lowered your naked body into a foamy bathtub. Feeling lethargic you allowed the droid to scrub parts of your body that were difficult to reach, absentmindedly playing with your extremely long hair.

The connection was clear as day. You were within the grasp of Anakin Skywalker, now turned Darth Vader. It was difficult to wrap your head around the obvious evidence, the obvious signs... You wanted to believe that this was all an illusion, a dream, a wild fabrication of your mind. But you felt so real, so sirene, so different.

You failed to notice the grooming the droid performed on your body, as if you were accustomed to its presence already. It was frightening how quickly you were adapting to this new environment, how familiar it felt. You allowed the additional droids to dry your body, style your hair, and do your make-up, looking at yourself in the mirror dumbfounded.

"Please choose a gown of your choosing, Lady Vader," one of the droids spoke in a monotone, directing you to the giant walk-in closet. You walked steadily disliking the idea of relying on the machines for basic biological function. Soon enough, when your body felt stronger, you'd do your own make-up, your own styling, your own bathing. As of now, you took pride in your ability to walk, no matter how miniscule that accomplishment was.

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