Chapter 3

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Your eyes wandered across familiar yet strangely unconversant surroundings, flames dancing, creating distorted shadows across the walls, dim atmosphere casting the quarters into the hues of sunset. The exquisite marble of the floors, the maroon velvet of the sofa, the pure metal of adorned decorations all distinguished the signs of royalty. Where were you now? You tried to focus on the details, failing to see anything beyond the small surrounding of your current residence. Your lungs burned as your chest pressed against the tightly bound black corset, arms embellished in tight elbow gloves. Your neck felt strained under the pressure of a sparkling choker, its long scarf-like jewelry extending down to your ankles. You felt present and yet somehow vanished, yourself yet somehow foreign. Your mind was hazy, reacting but not acting, falling into default you had no control over.

"From the moment I met you all those years ago, not a day has gone by when I haven't thought of you," a male voice laced with youthful spirit spoke softly next to you. You were astonished not to have noticed its closeness up until now. Your eyes connected with perfect sun-kissed skin of a teenager, barely a man, looking so intensely into your eyes, pained, angry even, jaw tightened. His cold blue orbs narrowed at you without blinking, challenging you to hold the prolonged eye contact. He was so beautiful, perfect, young, passionate...ready to throw caution to the wind just to be allowed to love you. You recognized the intensity right away.

"And now that I'm with you again..." he took a deep breath furrowing his eyebrows, "...I'm in agony."

His body shifted closer to yours, shoulders adjusting to increase the proximity. You acknowledged his desire, shifting further away from him to create space, space which young Anakin Skywalker wanted to close so desperately.

"The closer I get to you, the worse it gets," you felt your throat tightened at the shakiness of his voice, at the raw emotion emanating from his facial expression. You tried to respond to his bold claims but found your mind blank and your lips sealed. It felt like you were living a memory.

"The thought of not being with you... I can't breath!" his lips parted as his breath unintentionally caressed the exposed skin of your clavicles. His intense gaze made you feel trapped.

"I'm haunted by the kiss that you should never have given me," his voice shook as his hand attempted to place itself on top of yours. You shifted away from his touch, unable to look him in the eyes.

"My heart is beating, hoping that that kiss won't become a scar," his jaw tightened as you leaned away from his torso which attempted to close the distance one more time, to entrap you. His words sank deeply into your skin, making your face flush, feeling pity towards his suffering. No Jedi could feel so deeply as did the young Skywalker.

"You're in my very soul... tormenting me," he frowned as his ocean eyes danced against your features, taking in your appearance. Your mental defences momentarily fell against his pure intensity, his pure emotions.

"What can I do?" he begged, eyes glistening with tears of pain, reaching out for your love, for any form of affection.

"I will do anything that you ask," he cast his eyes aside in surrender and defeat, giving you the power over him. His lower lip trembled as he looked up from the corner, hoping for any signs of consent from you. You stared dumbfounded, unable to reply to his plea, unable to say anything in return. The young man scoffed in agitation and lack of patience.

"If you're suffering as much as me, please, tell me," his jaw was tight again, but his voice cracked, brows furrowed.

"I can't... we can't. It's just... not possible," you finally spoke, failing to register your own words. You felt more like a spectator to the events happening around you rather than a participator.

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