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I wake up at 9 in the morning. Adam is still sleeping. I see that he wet the bed again, so I wake him up and he realizes he wet the bed again. He says, "I'm sorry, Jake." I said, "It's okay, let's get you changed." So we go to his room and I take his wet PJs off and tell him to get dressed. I then go to his bed and take his sheets and blankets off, and go to the laundry room to put the sheets in the washer. Then I go to my room and take my sheets and blankets off my bed and put them in the laundry room. I then go to Andrew's room, pick him up out of the crib, and put him on the changing table to change him.

When I was done, Andrew said, "Thank you."

I said, "No problem."

Andrew says, "Jake, can I ask you something?" I said, "Yes, what?"

"How long is my punishment going to be?" Andrew asked.

I said, "Andrew, I don't know, but you have been good lately, so I'm going to let you wear pants over the diaper when at home all the time."

"Thanks, Jake. I was a little worried about what Adam would think if he saw me wearing a diaper," Andrew replied. We then go to the kitchen and sit at the table. Adam comes in and sits beside me, and Bradley and Gordon put the food on the table and sit down.

When we finished eating, I said to Bradley, "We need to go down to Walmart and get a few things Adam, you are  coming with us.

So Bradley, Adam, and I go out to the car. We drive for 15 minutes when we hit a traffic jam. 10 minutes later, I noticed Adam adjusting how he was sitting. I said, "Are you okay, Adam?" He said, "Yes, traffic is moving slowly." We travel another 30 minutes and just get into the parking lot when I hear farting noises coming from Adam. Then the car stuck. I said, "Adam, did you poo your pants?"

Adam said, "Yes, I'm sorry. I tried to hold it."

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