When They First Realized

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When the theatre gang first realized Portwell was blooming whether it's big or small.


Carlos: Ok everyone so we need to pair people up for Something In The Air, we got the dance done, this is the last thing we need to do so pick or I'll pick for you.

Ricky immediately went over to Nini and then kissed her forehead. Big Red and Ashlyn sheepishly turned to each other, nodded their heads and then leaned on one another. Carlos rushed over to Sebbie and grabbed his hand leaving an odd number of people left.

Ej: Hey Gina uh do you want to be my partner? It's fine if you don't.

Gina: No that's totally fine, after all you are part the reason I'm still here. Being your partner sounds perfect *she smiles*.

Carlos: Ok based off of what I see I can already tell each partners vocal ranges are perfect for the duet y'all will be singing. Kourtney you'll be getting a solo like the queen you are.

Kourtney: Now that I can stand by *she smirks happily*.

Carlos: Ok so I will be coming down the flight of stairs that are upstairs and there I will meet Kourtney and she will dance to the library. Big Red and Ashlyn y'all will be in the library on top of a book cart, Kaden and Buddy will be pushing y'all. After that a little dance break and we see Ashlyn, me and Sebbie will be coming down the first flight of stairs to the cafeteria and then Ej and Gina will then continue down the second flight and then the dance solo. Then after that Ricky and Nini will come out of the lockers, you don't need to be in them until you hear the music getting close and then once Gina is done with her dance y'all will get out. Then we will all meet downstairs in the main hallway, do our dance all the way to the new theatre and that's it. Y'all got it?

Everyone nodded their heads.

Carlos: Okay into places as I text Miss Jenn and let her know we're ready.

Everyone rushes to their spots and from where Carlos and Sebbie were at, they had a really good view of Ej and Gina. They could see the two of them goofing off as Gina poked fun at Ej's sweater. Then they saw Ej goofily try to do Gina's dance break which resulted in him almost falling. For the first time they saw both of them loose with their personalities.

Sebbie: Honey are you seeing this?

Carlos: How could I not, it's kinda cute what they're doing.

Sebbie: I can't believe he bought her a whole plane ticket back here, I underestimated him.

Carlos: We all did but that tells me he really cares about her. From the few times we've hung out over break, Gina always had the biggest smile on her face. Even bigger when he was around but it could always be something else.

Sebbie: Maybe...

Carlos: You notice how every couple is paired up *he side eyes him*?

Sebbie: What are you implying?

Carlos: Just give it time, mark my words Portwell will happen.

Sebbie: Portwell *he pauses*? Ooohhhh Porter and Caswell, you're so creative honey.

Carlos: Aren't I always *he winks*.


Lily: *laughs* Amateur...

Gina heard this comment and she just couldn't sit there and take that.

Gina: Wait *she rushes on stage*!

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