Chapter 2

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Who was he kidding, it could always get worse. And it did. It got so much worse...


Everything burned. His lungs, his legs, his throat...

His eyes especially. They burned as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. He had to be quite. They couldn't find him, he knows their intentions. The large gash that stretched from his shoulder to the beginning of his elbow was proof enough.

They wanted to kill him.

Monty towerd over his small body, he is so much stronger and faster than Gregory. He's sure if he'd stayed still for another second, he wouldn't be alive right now. He never new that an animatronic could radiate such strong emotion, even if the only emotion he could detect was hatred. That goes for all of the animatronics. The only emotion coming from any of them was intense hatred. The look in their eyes, the tone of their voices, even the way they moved. It was obvious they were out for one thing, and one thing only...

His blood.

~Flashback over~

He wasn't sure what to do now. He's still hiding. He hasn't moved for a long time. He wasn't sure how much longer freedy was gonna be in the charging station, but he prays to whatever God might exist that it isn't much longer. He's been in this stroller for longer than he'd like, especially with his arm in the condition it was. It's bleeding so much. He's scared he might bleed out, hiding in a stroller.

He really hopes that the metallic smell won't give away his hiding place. He wasn't entirely sure if any of the animatronics could even smell, except Chica of corse. He doubts any of them can smell blood though. They have passed his hiding spot multiple times, but didn't react to the smell of his blood. He can't help it though. He can't help but think they might somehow pick up the scent and track him down.

The one he's really worried about right now is the security guard, or Vanessa as Freddy calls her. He knows the animatronics aren't likely to find him based of scent alone, but he was more than certain that Vanessa could. If he could smell his blood this clearly, he knew Vanessa would be able to as well.

The animatronics were everywhere, they weren't giving up just because they lost sight of him. He couldn't leave. He looked down towards his injured arm, only to gasp in horror. He was bleeding more than he thought. It coated the bottom of the stroller and his clothes. He was growing weaker by the second, it took everything he had in him to suppress the sobs stuck in his throat. He heard freedys voice from his fazwatch, though he was to tired to decipher what he was saying. All he could bring himself to do was call freedy to his location. The last thing he remembered before losing consciousness was freedys voice. He wasn't sure if the voice was coming from his fazwatch, above the stroller, or if he was hallucinating. No matter the answer, he was calm the moment he heard it.

He felt safe.

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