Zayn Imagine

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#imagine - Zayn

You are sick and home alone. You are in your room watching tv when you get a knock on you door. "Come in.!" You say coughing.

The door opens and in comes in your boyfriend Zayn.

He looked exhausted. He had messy hair. "Hey babe!" he greets you. "Hey! What are you doing here?" You asked curiously. "Here to take care of my baby!" Awee! He's so cute right?

He looked so tired though.. This was so sweet of him to take care of you after a long day!

He gave you your medicine and then after a long night, you both cuddled on your bed. He fell asleep with his arms around you. He looks like an angel. You softly ruffle his hair and fell asleep on his chest.


Hope you enjoyed! vote for more! also spread the word :)

-  C.J.

#Imagines :)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon