CHAPTER -16 Niẏati (Fate)

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Mythrei felt a little nervous walking into the night all alone. the streets were empty, vendors had all gone home, leaving not a soul around. kovil la dhaaney valandha, unna porutha varaikkum andha durga amma dha un amma. kalyanathukku kaprom pugundha veetukku pora maathiri dhaaney, edhukku bhayapdra? she was talking to herself in attempt to calm her. when she reached the temple she began to look around for Savya. she softly called out for her while walking around the temple since it was closed for the day. when she reached the back door she saw a figure lurking the shadows. Savya? she called, feeling somewhat relieved. but it almost immediately turned to regret when she realised it was not Savya. The freakishly tall figure removed the cloth around it's head to reveal her worst fears. it was the Mahant. Mythrei started to hyperventilate. she was petrified out of her soul. she slowly stepped backward and when she saw the moment, she turned around and broke into a sprint. but he grabbed on to the back of her saree and pulled her back. Mythrei lost her balance and fell backwards, thrashing into the ground. he grabbed hold of her hair and pulled her back into the temple through the back door. nyabagam irukka? he asked her with sly smirk, throwing her into the courtyard. Mythrei's hands felt around, searching for literally anything to defend herself with. thankfully it stumbled upon a wooden stick. she quickly got back up on her feet with it, spinning it around the way Ari had taught her. The mahant laughed, Ava unakku neraya solli kuduthurukkan pola. seemingly distracted with his words, Mythrei swung the stick below his knees. But his skills were far more superior than Ari's himself. he jumped into the air, rising like vulture about to capture its prey. he found her efforts amusing. she frantically swung the stick at him even as he missed every blow effortlessly. but his entertainment was short lived. she had tired herself out . when he saw this, he seized the opportunity to grab the stick out of her hands. Mythrei ran towards the nearest exit, screaming at the top of her lungs in hopes of attracting attention. but the mahant grabbed her by the neck and pushed her against the wall. his fingers dug into her vocals, silencing it. he pinned her upward, lifting her to his height. he aggressively sniffed down her neck, rubbing his disgusting face against hers. Mythrei's hands frantically slapped against the walls for help. she knew she would pass out soon, if she didn't do something quicker. the corner of her eyes spotted something shiny behind the wooden doors a few inches away. Her hands struggled to reach out to it but just as she managed to touch it's edges, she flinched in pain. the sharp edges had scraped the tip of her fingers. it was an axe. her reaction distracted the mahant just as he was about to tear open the ends of her pallu.  his grip loosened for a second, and this was her chance to get the axe. she swung it across his neck. blood splattered across her face and clothes, but she didn't flinch. the sight was gruesome as his head and body lay separate on the floor. Mythrei glared at his motionless body. she had no regrets. the demon was slayed by the durga mata herself. 

Meanwhile Ari had dived into the pool of fire without a second thought. he ran around the place, grabbing hold of anyone and everyone he found and safely evacuating them. innom vera yaarella irukkaanga? he yelled out at savya who stood outside. mela innom rendu pasunga irukkanga, she yelled back to him. He immediately sprinted up the stairs that were barely holding up. the railings and pillars were already burned to bits. he began his search, looking in every single room for the kids. but they were nowhere to be found. the adrenaline rush was real. he was hardly being able to think. oof, calm down, he told himself. he closed his eyes and took a quick breath, while his ears listened closely.  A nervous whimpering echoed the hallways. he immediately opened his eyes and ran in the direction. he barged into a flaming room that was seemingly empty. Bāccārā? Tumi kōthāẏa? (pasanagala enga irukkinga?) he called out softly. Āmarā śunatē pācchi ( we are here) a tiny voice echoed from under the bed. he knelt down under to see 2 sets of nervous eyes staring back at him. bhayappadathinga...vaanga, he held his hand out. They hesitantly placed their hands over his and he immediately pulled them out. vaanga polaam he lifted the both of them and walked towards the stairs. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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