Chapter 3

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A/N: Okay, you cracked me. I didn't think I'd ever upload this chapter. Pretty sure this is the end 😋


Danny sighed. His parents had been fussing over him all week. He'd finally healed enough to go back to school. Jack Fenton parked outside the school.

"Now son," he started. "If anything happens I want you to call me."
"Okay dad." Danny smiled weakly and got out the car.

He was putting his books in his locker and he hadn't seen his friends yet. Where were they?

"Hey Fenton! Haven't seen you in a while!" Dash bellowed.

No. The halfa thought. This can't happen.

Before he knew what was happening he was pinned against the locker.
Dash grinned. He raised his meaty fist and hit Danny in the gut.

The bully had done it hundreds of times to almost every nerd in the school. The recipient never coughed up blood.

Danny gasped in pain as his injury wasn't quiet healed.

"What the?" Dash said puzzled and slowly released him.
Danny was slumped on the floor. "Happy now?"


The bright light was blinding. Danny squinted. The last thing he remembered was getting hit by Dash. What happened? He didn't even need to look. The smell of disanfectant indicated that he was in the infirmary. The teenager sat up and realized the nurse sat in the corner chewing her pen.

She smiled, noticing he was awake. "Mr Fenton, I'm glad you're awake. You're parents are already here. They are with the principal discussing how you got those injuries."

Danny looked puzzled. "It was Dash. A dozen other kids can back me up."

"Yes, yes," she replied. "We have already spoken to them. However, what Dash did would not result in those injuries."

The door creaked open. It was the Fenton parents.

Maddie smiled. "You ready to go home?"

The nurse gave a concerned look.
"We've sorted everything out, no need to worry." Jack Fenton reassured.

Danny carefully got out of the bed and followed his parents out of the room.


The car ride was agonisingly awkward. They sat in silence the entire way home.

The Fenton's regretted sending their son back to school so soon. They knew he needed more time, but they made him go any way.

Danny slammed the car door behind him. He stormed into his room feeling pathetic and weak. Getting sent home the first day back? Lame.

He lay face down on his bed. How did things go so wrong? 2 weeks ago his only problems were ghosts and grades. Now he had to add his parents to that list.

Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, a breath of cold air left his lips.

He jumped off his bed, and went ghost. There wasn't any point in asking his parents of he could go out. They'd just say no. He grabbed the Fenton Thermos that was hidden under his bed.

All that he wanted things to go back to normal - well, as normal as it was. Danny hopped out of his window and flew up.

Feeling the wind in his hair again, free of gravity, felt amazing. But he couldn't enjoy it for long.

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