A Small Encounter

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Description: Hey guys, no TW for this part. I have no idea when the uploads will be- I am very far from organised. Enjoy :)

Thirteenth Doctor's POV:

Rubber pipes. Metal wires. Buttons. And one recurring thought- Yaz. The Doctor continued fiddling underneath the console. Her feelings were hard enough when she had regenerated, and now the most confusing emotion of all had made it's appearance. Try as she might to push it aside, the corrugated panels above her and cold tools in her hands never seemed to suffice. Despite the lack of luck trying to distract herself, she carried on tweaking and de-assembling then re-assembling components. 

Another 25 minutes later, she decided it was futile. The Doctor began assorting her tools and placing them back in their rightful compartments in her toolbox. She was just about to place her sonic back in her pocket when she heard dual thuds. 

Two soft footsteps bounced off the walls of the nearby bedroom corridor and danced around the console room. For the love of Gallifrey, the Doc would never forgive herself if she woke Yasmin up... again. Another few footsteps became louder as they increased in proximity. 


'OWCH?!', she winced as she smacked her head on the console. 

A gentle, comforting hand rested on her shoulder as Yaz huffed lightly, yet with concern tugging at her smooth features. The Doctor raised her head slowly and rubbed at the already forming bruise. That was when she made her first mistake- looking directly into Yaz's eyes. Endless swirls of dark, warm brown pulled her attention effortlessly to Yaz's presence. They stood like this for a beat longer. 

'Are you okay Doctor?' asked Yaz, retracting her hand, much to the Doctor's dismay.

'Yeah, sorry. Did I wake you?' 

'No. I just can't seem to sleep. Talking about sleep, why do you never seem to get any?'  

'I do sleep, when your not looking. Besides- timelords don't need sleep. I never got how humans could ever get anything done when you lot just spend half your life dreaming it away.' 

Yaz's POV:

Yaz's left eyebrow shot up her forehead, but she remained quiet. Anything she tried to ask would probably be deflected anyway, but that was the Doc. Any remotely personal questions would either be shut down or answered in a way that left you with even more questions than you started with. It was infuriating, yes, but it made her just that little bit more intrigued. 

Instead, Yaz manoeuvred herself past the Doctor and to the other side of the console. This way, she could lean on a metal grid without accidentally crashing the TARDIS...and she could nab a custard cream.

The Doctor turned swiftly around to where Yaz was now standing, wearing a confused expression. At least she was until she saw the biscuit Yaz was holding. A small smile crept onto the Doc's face. It was infectious, and both of them blushed slightly. Although, neither could tell the other was feeling the same due to the TARDIS'S orangey glow.

'Where are we going?' she inquired.

'Well I was thinking, 19th century, Chinese Pirates?' answered the Doctor, without a moments  hesitation.

'I will never understand your thought process, but okay!', laughed Yaz.

And so they both fiddled with a few buttons on either side of the console. The Doctor placed her calloused hands on top of the lever. Yaz followed, heart jumping, as her palm connected with the backs of cool fingers. They both tugged the lever down, hoping it wouldn't wake Dan up. 

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