A Tardis Trip

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No TW.  I'm aiming to make this chapter longer than the last because the last was so short lmao :).

Dan's POV:

Dan woke with a start. His senses flooded back to him, like a tidal wave of realisation. He could feel the soft pillows beneath his head, and an unfamiliar object next to his forehead. Contrasting with the warmth of his body, the frigid metal caused him to stretch an arm and grasp the item.  He reached over with his free hand to turn the light on. It was a picture frame? 

'It must've fallen from the shelf above the bed', Dan thought to himself.

He sat up to put it back on the wooden surface. It only occurred to him then that something had to have caused it to fall off. The soft hum of the TARDIS had been replaced with silence. It was weird to remove the white noise that Dan had grown accustomed to. 

Clambering out from under the five blankets piled ontop of him, Dan grabbed his dressing gown and wrapped it over his grey t-shirt and cotton shorts. Yaz's voice echoed from what was probably the console room, shortly followed by a clang and the Doctor's muffled cry. 

He willed his feet to move towards the cacophony of conversation, metallic clangs and something he couldn't quite figure out. As he approached the crystal pillars, he spotted the open doors of the TARDIS, and a figure in a grey coat hopping around while she clutched her left foot. 

'Oh blimey, sorry Dan!' apologised the Doc, nearly tripping over her sonic.

'It fell on the floor while she was trying to open the doors with it. Apparently she thinks opening the doors with her screwdriver is one of the coolest things ever?', replied Yaz after she traced Dan's eyeline to the metal cylinder lying on the floor. 

'Nah I bet she was trying to impress you Yaz'. Dan teased with a wink. 'Where and when are we anyway?'

Yaz's cheeks darkened at this, but instead of teasing Dan back, she grabbed the sonic and handed it to the Doctor. 

'19th century, some sort of shore? Depends where the pirates are now.' answered the Doc, releasing her foot.


'Yup, you and Yaz should go and put some period accurate clothes.' 

Dan followed Yaz to the wardrobe room. Hmmm... he had no idea how to dress as a pirate. Opening the double doors to the room, a vast expanse of staircases formed an intricate web and thousands of clothing items adorned the walls. 

Yaz's POV:

Every time Yaz entered the wardrobe room, she wondered why the Doc had never changed her charity shop outfit. She ran up a flight of stairs. Vaguely, she knew what to wear from one of her history lessons back in her high school. Of course, she had no idea what that knowledge would be used for years later. 

'Yaz, can you pick some clothes for me to wear?' Dan asked timidly from the floor below.


Yaz spotted a section that the TARDIS had labelled 'Pirate clothing- 1900s' so she figured she would find period accurate clothing there. However, she soon realised that the outfits were from all kinds of places; China, England, Spain, Portugal, France and many from planets and galaxies millions of lightyears from Earth. 

After what felt like an eternity scanning the walls for Chinese Pirate clothing, she found some items. 

'Time to mess with Dan.' Yaz murmured.

Just up a flight of stairs to her left was section labelled 'Fancy Dress'. Yaz quietly tiptoed over to it. She glanced over her shoulder, making sure Dan was busy looking at some hoodies, before she began to flick through the costumes.

Two heavy black belts, two smaller brown ones, a pair of ebony leather boots, a frilly striped shirt, and a pair of brown pants made their way onto a pile in Yaz's arms. It looked convincing enough. She left them in a bundle and threw them down to Dan. She sprinted to one of the many changing rooms with her own outfit. 

10 minutes later, Yaz was ready. She sported a red, flowy top with white polka dots; a black leather belt, and a barren-grey piece of material. To complete her look, she carried a sharp sword.

Dan emerged a few minutes later. Yaz had to stifle her laugh when she saw how utterly ridiculous he looked in his costume. He would've fitted in perfectly if he was going to a 6 year old's fancy dress part. Alas, he was not invited to one.

The pair trudged back to the console room,  accompanied by Dan's worried comments about their outfits being so different. The Doctor was already waiting for them outside the doors, in a brand new outfit. Yaz thoughted it suited her perfectly. Then again, Yaz thought everything suited the Doctor perfectly. 

 Yaz stepped out first, followed by Dan.

'Yaz, did you dress Dan up like this!?'


Dan elbowed her.

'Owch Scouse!'

'Well that's what you get for making me put this on Sheffield', He laughed. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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