Chapter 1

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It was quite a sight, a freaking gruesome one that felt like an aggressive stirring of your intestines— that is how the puddle of red, lumpy mush that was supposed to be the pilot of the jet looked.

Of course it screamed dead so the soldiers of major Kang's platoon didn't dare to investigate for any signs of the pilot having miraculously survived under the heavy metal debri.

And then they probed around the area a bit more, reluctant as it might have been, prodding the huge chunks of metal, only to find a mop of vibrant blue hair spread out around a girl who looked surprisingly unharmed, surrounded by bits of lethal looking aircraft chunks

"Over here, I think there's a survivor." One of the platoon members called out.

The girl was breathing. She had a stable pulse-maybe a mild concussion and a little too pale in the face-but she was alive, miraculously.

And sound asleep. Judging by her soft snores.


The platoon was in disbelief. But they went ahead and hauled her along with them, regardless, and hurried towards their next coordinate.

And then they had a bloody face off against the enemy unit. Gunfire, blood and bullets everywhere.

And a girl who slept through it all.

She woke up once or twice, not staying awake for more than three to four minutes each time. Her dark blue— borderline black— eyes scanned the less than slightly scene in front of her before she nodded off once again.

The soldiers who had braced themselves for a panicking session of a possibly traumatized teenager, were just left standing around her curled up figure awkwardly, looking towards an equally confused Major for further instructions.

Major Kang couldn't wrap his head around the situation, so he just brushed it off as symptoms of a bad case of chronic fatigue and stuttered out orders to prepare for another confrontation.

After that, they got their ass kicked by the enemy unit and ended up as captives in a cold, dusty cell where the girl finally woke up again, long enough to manage a conversation.

Then they got saved by another teen— a teen mercenary— and went on their merry way back to Korea, with two kids they picked up from the battlefield.

Major Kang's summary of the previous events left the military higher ups highly unimpressed. But they grumbled about background checks and tracing families, before they tottered out of the meeting room to do a very very fun activity called paperwork.

The Major sighed. Great, now they had to help a teen mercenary adjust to society and figure out how to knock the sleep out of someone.

The latter proved to be more challenging.

"She has drugs in her bloodstream"

It went silent for a minute after the words left the medic. Major Kang pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

Situations and complications loved to make an entrance together.

"What kind?" He asked.

"It's unidentified, for now at least. But we're suspecting an entirely new varient of the S11 range of toxins"

The people in the room gulped uneasily.

S11? This was just an eighteen year old girl... Even Korean mafia couldn't hope to get their hands on a single vial of this liquid death.

Speaking of liquid death...

"How is she alive?" One of the military directors asked, genuinely baffled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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