The Knight

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I had around one hundred and fifty men when I led the attack, the reports I got said there must be at least a hundred men in the camp we were going after. We should have been fine, but there was one man nobody expected.

I set some snipers up in the canopy, I had some men outside every exit in case they ran, and the rest of my forces were with me. We had very few healers because most of the Priory was in the main camp, not many in the small camps I raided to get my army.

The first wave I sent in was mostly grunts, I planned on saving the best for last. As soon as my men were spotted the alarms went off. Isaac's squad jumped into action while the Vigil that still lived were getting their gear on and getting ready for battle. Isaac poked his head into the largest tent there and spoke with someone inside. I couldn't see who, but I assumed it was the Commander.

As the fighting continued, I realized this time I'd win. A lot of their troops were getting tired and collapsing while mine, the ones still not dead, were standing tall and proud.

Then the worst thing possible happened. Two men walked out of the large tent in the back of the camp. One was the Pact Commander. The other was the feared Renegade. Eugeo Bluethorne.

He was known as the Dragon Knight. Nobody knows where he came from, he didn't experience the Dream as all sylvari do. I heard that he works with the Commander sometimes, but I'd never met him. Rumors have gone around about how he's not even from our world. I never believed any of it, but I was about to.

He stepped out, looked over at the Commander, they nodded and smiled at each other, then they charged into battle with my Mordrem army. Eugeo carried his short bow like he supposedly always does, and Soul had his greatsword, Dusk.

Eugeo shot an arrow at one of my Mordrem, one that had been fighting one of Isaac's for at least five minutes. The shot killed it instantly. He fired seven arrows at one of my officers. It died when the last arrow hit.

His arrows didn't work like normal ones; they flew through the Mists. That was normal for a Renegade, but Eugeo is still different. Arrows that fly through the Mists lose power when they finally exit, but that wasn't true for Eugeo. His arrows did more damage than a rangers longbow.

Some say he has the bravery and willpower of a dragon, I never believed that either. But now I understand why he's called the Dragon Knight. He shot down all my men with a single attack each.

Nobody had ever seen him switch weapons, I didn't expect him to have two swords on him. He stopped shooting and switched to dual swords. He phased through the Mists as he attacked. Swiftly and gracefully, he killed more of my men.

I sat and watched, I couldn't do anything to stop him. Nobody could. Two of my best officers charged at him from opposite sides. He phased through the Mists one last time before jumping twice my normal height in the air. The two Mordrem officers collided under him as he did a flip. He even fell gracefully. He landed on one of their heads and stabbed it in the head. He impaled the other one in the heart.

He kept jumping around and phasing into the Mists as he fought. After a bit, he had killed every last one of my men on the ground. He stood still in the middle of the camp, looking at all of the bodies around him.

One of my snipers in the canopy took this opportunity to try to get him. Eugeo whipped around and shot an arrow of his own. The two arrows collided in mid-air. His arrow won, it tore the other one down the middle.

He found his way up into the canopy to hunt down my snipers. He shot each one of them with a single arrow. A few of them fell all the way down to the camp below. Eugeo made his way back down to the ground. On his way, he spotted me.

"Ah, so it was you." He called down to me as he climbed down. My new Mordrem voice was different, and I doubted he of all people would know me, so I considered it safe to talk.

"Yes, it was me. I was the commander of this small army that you shot down." I stepped forward. I tried to look confidant but I wasn't so it was hard.

"Fight me. If you were the commander then you must be much stronger than these grunts. Smarter too, a real challenge." He stood across the camp from me. All the men that had been at the camp were now hiding in tents and behind their crates of gear.

"Very well, Eugeo..." He froze for a second. I had slipped up, I forgot I was Mordrem. I pretended I meant to say that.

I grabbed my weapon off my back. A longbow made of Mordrem vine. Eugeo switched back to his swords and...bowed to me? Only slightly though, he stopped himself and chuckled a bit. "Ahh, old arena habits...Anyway."

With that last word he started moving towards me. You would think he'd be the type to charge in, but he was walking. I grabbed one of my thorn arrows and stood to face him with my bow. I shot, but I didn't hit. It went right through him. He had phased just as I shot.

He smirked at me, then disappeared in a cloud of steam. A thief trick, if you ask me, but it's what he is best at.

He reappeared in front of me for a split second. Then I felt pain all around me, every direction at once. He was carving me up from every side and angle. His swords slashed at me a billion times before I could see him again.

Once he was in view, he switched back to his bow. He backed up a little bit before he started bombarding me with Mists arrows. One arrow first, then seven more, then five, then a circle of fire and death, then a wave of torment, over and over again he repeated these combos.

He summoned spectral allies, ones that healed him, ones that made me bleed even more, ones that just plain did damage. He wrecked me. I didn't get a second chance to attack. Even with these bleeding wounds, I'd have to run.

I turned around and tried to get away from him, but he restarted his rotation. He switched to his swords and started carving me like a giant pumpkin again.

When he phases in, he starts in one spot, when he phases out, he's always in the same spot unless it's a dodge...I knew what to do.

I got my bow mostly ready for a strike, I faced where he would phase out, and put up with the carving for a second.

He phased out and, just as I had predicted, he was right in front of me. He was fast, but he couldn't dodge this at this range. As fast as I could, I grabbed two thorn arrows and fired them at his bow as he took it out.

His golden bow flew out of his hands and onto the ground. Instead of switching to his swords, he ran to pick up his bow. I took the opportunity to run.

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