The Dragon

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We all looked at Ren, although only some of us understood the gravity of what he had just said. What he meant was that Mordremoth still had Trahearne, and Ren saw that we wouldn't be able to fight very well with this tricky land as our dragon arena, meaning we might not make it to Trahearne in time.

Eugeo whipped around to stare at the place we had just come from. I followed his gaze. A second later, a small, gray, oval-shaped head popped out from behind some rocks and vines. Eugeo let out a sigh of relief and closed his eyes for a second.

Soul turned around too. "Sol! what are you doing here? You should be with the engineers." Before Sol could answer, his brother popped out from behind the same rock. "Kuttz! Not you too..." Then, from the opposite side of the opening, Titan appeared. "Titan! Guys...." Behind Titan, Armin, Alice, and Clover stepped out into the light.

Titan spoke first. "I'm sorry Commander. It was Sol's idea first, then Kuttz wanted to do it, and I couldn't leave them to wander the jungle alone, Clover couldn't let me go, then Armin wanted to come with us in case we needed a heal, and Alice just wanted to kill the dragon."

Then Sol had an idea to share. "I'm sorry too, but I have a role to play here. I have something that will help us all. You know how we have mounts? Yes, well, I did something to my skyscale so that Mordremoth couldn't corrupt it! I helped Kuttz out by doing the same thing. We can fly around in here and blow things up. The 'mechscale' I created can hold a ton of weight, so each of us can carry someone with us. I'll take Titan with me, we can work together to blow this dragon to pieces."

Soul locked eyes with the small technician for a second before moving his gaze to Titan. Titan simply nodded at him. "Fine. You can stay. Let's get to work."

Sol and Kuttz summoned their new "mechscales" in unison. Titan hopped on the back of Sol's and Zack went with Kuttz. They flew off to opposite sides of the field of islands.

We all jumped and glided to other islands. As soon as the last of us landed, a mighty roar shook everything around us. I was on the ground in a few seconds.

I looked up, and to my horror, I saw Mordremoth. The largest beast I'd ever seen. The least dragon-like dragon I'd ever see. He was like a long jungle worm.

Islwyn stood up and looked at what I was looking at. A wave of realization hit him, then an evil smile cut across his calm face. He shouted as loud as he could at the Elder Dragon before him.

"Long time no see, eh old friend?" The dragon roared again, this time it was directed at Islwyn. Mordremoth remembered him.

Mordremoth made the first move. He swooped in from our right and bit the island me and Islwyn were on.

Just as he was about to pull away, Sol and Titan flew overhead. Titan dropped a rather large bomb on Mordremoths' head. The dragon let out a weak roar before he was fully dazed. Islwyn took the chance to attack. Alone he couldn't do much damage, so I started rapidly firing at the large dragon.

Sol's voice on the comm interrupted my concentration. "He's stunned! Everyone, charge!" I looked behind me for a split second to see all of my friends, along with the Vigil troops, falling down onto the platform. The way they all fell at different times, they were like rain.

Once a soldier landed, he would run at the dragon, ready to attack. We were all slashing and shooting at Mordremoths head when he suddenly jolted back to consciousness. He glared at a few of us. Canach, Islwyn, and myself. He looked like he was scared. He looked uneasy. He looked...paranoid. A paranoid dragon, what a sight to see.

He frantically looked around, looking for a way out of our dragon arena, which was soon to be his grave. He gave up looking and bit the island again. Just as he was about to rip the island in half, Titan and Zack both dropped a bomb on him. He was stunned again.

Everyone attacked again, this time everyone went melee. He woke up before any of us was ready. He moved swiftly for a large beast.

He came down from above and smashed his large head into the island. The island was already cracked and damaged. He tore it apart, and it crumbled and fell into the void below. So did we.

Almost all of us were able to save ourselves. I say almost because I was the only one who couldn't think fast enough. The blow knocked the wind out of me, I couldn't glide in time. I started getting closer to the void.

A flash of red light and soft fur. Sol and Titan. They snatched me out of the air before it was too late. They saved my life. Titan placed me in between him and Sol. He never let people touch him, he didn't like being soft, and he didn't like being called cute either, but he let me lean into him. To be fair, I was half-conscious and still in shock from almost dying.

When I was finally all there, I asked him what happened. "Our new friend Mordy decided to literally eat the island we were all on. You almost fell into the fog below, we saved you."

Sol spoke up. "We should drop another bomb. If we stun him one more time we can give them one more chance to get him. One more hit like the last one and he'll go down."

Sol turned his mechscale towards Mordremoths head and went full speed. Just before we made it close enough to bomb him, Kuttz flew over his nose and dropped two bombs on him.

"Ah, perfect. Now we can be the ones to finish him." Sol started going in circles around Mordremoths head.

Titan pulled the two large grenades off his belt. He gave one to me. "When it's time, we'll throw these at one of his eyes. That way, even if they don't kill him, he'll be half-blind." I nodded at Titan and turned back to face the dragon below.

They were hurting him badly. He was almost dead when he lifted his head again. Kuttz was about to circle around and drop another bomb. Sol frantically switched the channel on his comm before speaking. "It's fine, we've got him." Kuttz turned his head slightly to see his brother smiling at him.

Mordremoth tried to flee. He started moving to the right side of the islands. Sol sped after him. I could feel Titan tensing up behind me. I'd never seen him nervous before, he was always so brave and fearless.

We got close enough to throw our grenades. His left eye would be the one to go. Titan went first. Mordremoth saw the explosive before it got close and he dodged out of the way.

I drew my bow and grabbed a thorn arrow. "Sol, get in closer. I've only got my short bow, and its range isn't the best." Sol turned the mechscale and we glided in closer to the giant dragon.

I fired a test shot, to make sure Mordremoth thought I was harmless. I made sure it didn't actually hurt him so that he wouldn't worry about me doing anything to him. The whole point of my plan was that I needed to do it a second time.

I took a piece of vine from my armor and used it to attach the grenade to the arrow. It was an impact grenade, so this would work perfectly.

Once we were a skyscales width from the dragon's eye, I fired. It was the single strongest shot I'd ever fired.

The arrow sped towards Mordremoth's eye. He didn't notice. It flew faster and faster until it finally hit.

A large explosion, right in the middle of Mordremoth's eye. Mordremoth let out a scared roar and veered left. He started to climb the large tree remains that were perched in the back of our dragon arena. He smashed his head through the seemingly petrified wood. He climbed and climbed until he made it to the top of the tree stump.

With his body spiraling around the tree's remains, he let out one final roar before his head fell down onto a spike of wood. His skull was impaled and he died instantly.

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