(un)requited love

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Where would you even begin?


He would be a quiet platonic lover indeed, a love with him would be a love that blooms from a slow and steady friendship. He would never outwardly show affection to you at the beginning of your friendship, but he's always cared. You would always think that you value your friendship more than he did.

But gradually you grew something greater than a platonic love for him. One that came from all the times your gaze fell on him for way longer than necessary when he was telling you about a new drama he just started watching. One that would most likely be unrequited.

You need to tell him that you have taken interest in him, even though it would need a lot of courage from you to do so. He would always appear so cold and unapproachable to most people who take interest in him, rejecting them with a straight face. Yet the one thing that fuels you into going for it is that he was never rude to any of the people who confessed to him. Yes, he was curt and short-spoken, but he would never shame them or lead them on.

His morals were another thing. He would never hold a grudge against anyone, no matter how petty he may be at the beginning. You just know that even if you do confess to him, he would never hold it against you or ruin the friendship and trust. He would probably at most be radio silent for a day to be considerate to your feelings for rejecting you but he would never ghost you.

So, one day, one magical day, you grow the courage to tell him.

Tell him what exactly? To tell him that throughout your years of friendship, you had grown an immense soft spot for him and taken in all of his quirks and interests. That you had found beauty in all of his flaws and that it was borderline concerning how ready you were to defend him whenever someone was being harsh on him for making a mistake. That you were ready to sink or swim for him if he would do the same for you.

But of course when you are staring into his deep eyes that look so much like the crescent moon that you could see watching over you at night, you seem to forget all words except for three simple shallow words.

"I like you."

love letters to xu minghao // minghao imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now