get hurt part 2

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Hey diary,

I'm going to continue my story of me getting hurt. So, I passed out but luckily, Bose caught me. Then, AWOL teleported us to the mans nest and called Schwoz. Schwoz immediately hepled me and he told everyone to leave. I woke up and felt painful, so I tried to fall asleep again. And I did. After a while, I woke up again and I felt less painful. I saw Bose right next to me. So I said:

Chapa: Bose?

Bose: Chapa! You're awake!

Chapa: of corse I am. 

The room is very queit.

And Mika and Miles came in, and broke the silence.

Mika: Chapa! Are you ok?

Chapa: I'm fine.

Miles: Thank god! We almost thought you're dead!

Chapa: Well, I'm not.


Sorry, It's a short chapter. It's late(not really) but Mom want me to take a shower and go to bed, so I can only update a bit, sorry!

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