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Safety. As if this woman could protect me. As if I need protection! Sure, I made one slip up and that bastard General Hroo caught me, but I would've escaped without this stranger's help. My reputation precedes me; if I hadn't escaped I wouldn't be me.

I brush my fingers across the bruise on my neck. It barely hurts. By tomorrow it'll be gone. But it was too close a call this time. Wrinkling my nose, I try to push away the uncomfortable thought. Close calls are what make life fun. Even if it means acquainting yourself with some stranger whose honey-like voice is strangely alluring despite that the rest of her is as rigid as the king's guards.

Now, though, perhaps the gods have answered my plights, sending her to me. Nightblood, they called her. And the cut on her cheek is damning. She's the key to my freedom. So for now, I will let her think she is rescuing me.

Her dark skin blends into the night around us, and she moves with the swiftness and fluidity of a shadow. Were it not for the silver pins and beads tying her bushy hair back in some semblance of a braid I almost wouldn't be able to see her or the fact that she never tucks her weapon away. No matter which turns we take, or what height of crates we leap over, her staff remains glued to her hand. So she doesn't trust me. Smart. Unfortunate that it won't help her.

"Stop," the woman hisses under her breath as we reach the edge of Borziau. She glances over her shoulder, but there are no guards to be seen anywhere. "We have no cover here on out. Not until we get to Ghzen. It's all open field."

I roll my eyes and get to my feet. "So what are we waiting for? Let's go."

She grabs my sleeve and yanks me back down in the shelter of a crate with a surprising amount of strength. "We need strategy. Unless you'd prefer this end up with both of us dead."

"Obviously not."

Moonlight glints on the silver blade topping her staff. For an annoyingly long moment she grips it with both hands, eyes closed, body rigid. I wonder what maji element ties to her spirit, what fantastic havoc she's about to wreck.

Nothing happens. She slowly rises to her feet. "Alright. We should be clear."

"Should be?"

She nods. "Yeah. We probably won't run into trouble. But no guarantees."

I smirk. "Love those odds. Let's go."

It takes much longer than I anticipated. I thought we'd make it in a half hour run, not half the night walking. Every tree or shrub we come upon, she takes the time to crouch beside. I let her but don't join her. There's no one following us. Not yet, anyway. If we don't reach Ghzen soon, my ship will be spotted. Hopefully Penn received my flare and is sailing down the coast. Otherwise I'll have to get creative. Gods I hate it when the garrison takes my shit.

I'd gone to Borziau with the intention of collecting gold by rather...unreputable means. Perhaps the crew will be upset when I return with a woman instead, but in the long run we'll be set for life. Unfortunately, it's only gonna work if I have a ship docked in Ghzen to escape in. All doubts flee from my mind when I catch sight of a red flare in the distance. It flashes for a moment, barely noticeable against the stars freckling the sky. I quicken my strides. Everything is going to work out just fine.

Finally, shadowed structures rise on the horizon, accompanied by the gentle flickering of lanterns. I haven't spent a lot of time in this village; it's a quaint fishing town that's never done me any harm nor piqued my interest. As we draw nearer to it, I'm glad it hasn't evoked my wrath or drawn the attention of anyone like me. It's as far from the capital as you can get and the royal influence is faint. Refreshing.

The woman beckons me down the cracked cobblestone streets. She isn't as tense now, walking through her familiar town. She's even sheathed her staff. My step falters, just for a moment. Shaking my head, I regain my composure. No point in longing for my roots. I have a home now. That's all that matters.

Rise of the NightbloodsWhere stories live. Discover now