My iKarly (Karl x Male reader)

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My iKarly


Y/n sighed as he layed on the couch, exhausted from work. He could hear Karl's cute laugh from the other room, making him smile. Karl was currently Live on twitch, playing with his friends since it was birthday. Y/n picked up his phone from the kitchen counter and went to their backyard. He sat down on the grass and started scrolling through Twitter.

As he scrolled, he saw a post from a hater, their tweet saying, "I saw Karl Jacobs in the park holding hands with a guy. GUYS HE'S GAY AND UR GETTING MAD AT US FOR SAYING HE IS GAY BUT HE IS?!" Y/n growled and responded with, "What's wrong with that if he is? The only thing people are mad about is how much of a bitch you're being :)" Y/n smirked.

He felt someone lay on top of him, only to see Karl smiling, trying to hold on his cute laughs and giggles. "Hey, sweetheart.." Y/n kissed Karl's forehead. "Hi, honey..!" Karl said happily. "How was the stream? Did you have fun?" Y/n said, continuing to kiss Karl's head. "Mhm.. it was.. fun.." Karl mumbled.

Y/n could tell something was wrong. "Karl.. What happened..?" He asked, sitting up and placing Karl on his lap. "It's just.. someone made mean comments about me.. on my birthday.." Karl said, silently crying. Y/n clenched his fist. "Who did.."

He tried to stay calm, but someone made his Karl cry? On his birthday? Y/n was gonna start throwing hands. "I.. I don't know but... they told me to die and kill myself and no one loves me.." Karl hugged Y/n, crying on his chest. "They What?!" Y/n yelled.

Karl hugged Y/n and buried his face in Y/n's chest. "Don't worry, honey.. That's not true.. I love you so so much.. and don't listen to them.. they're just jealous that you're gorgeous and you're handsome and you work with MrBeast and all those stuff..!" Y/n comforted.

Karl looked up at Y/n and gave him a small smile. "R-Really..? You think I'm handsome?" Karl said, blushing slightly. "Of course! That's not all! You're cute and adorable and lovable and amazing and extremely nice!" Y/n said kissing Karl all over his face and upper body. Karl giggled and hugged Y/n. "I love you my iKarly.." Y/n mumbled. "Your iKarly? Is it like iCarly but.. me?" Karl asked.

Y/n nodded. "That.. that sounds.. cute.." Karl said, he looked at Y/n's lips and leaned in giving Y/n a soft kiss. Y/n kissed back and started kissing down Karl's neck. "Y-Y/n.. n-not out here.." Karl mumbled, stopping Y/n. "R-Right.. sorry, honey.." Y/n laughed nervously and blushed. "I-It's fine.. I love you baby.. thank you so much for everything.." Karl said. He froze as he felt something poke his inner thigh. "Y-Y/N! C-CONTROL YOURSELF..!" Karl yelled, blushing as he got off of Y/n quickly. Y/n panicked and covered his crotch with his hands. "S-Sorry! K-Karl wait! C-Can you still help me with this though?!" Y/n called as Karl ran inside, hiding his blush.

Hello! Sorry I haven't been able to post, I'm alive but dead :D

Also, this is true. Someone actually donated that to Karl ON his fucking BIRTHDAY! to the bitch who said that, Fuck you 😐

Anyways, have a nice day!✨

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