Murderer (Quackity x Male Reader)

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Quackity x Male Reader

V i o l e n t and Floofy

Quackity held a pair of scissors in his hand, breathing heavily. A tall man towered over him, a grin spread across his face and a bloody knife in hand. "What do you want from me?!" Quackity yelled. The man chuckled deeply.

"What do I want?" He smirked. "It is very..Simple.. I want you.." The man took another step. "M-Me?!" Quackity was confused. And terrified. Mainly terrified because who wouldn't??? (Me -Smug face-)

"Yes you. I'll bring you home with me.. And maybe I'll let you live.." The male Quackity gave a sinister grin. "How.. How do I know you're not lying? What if you actually kill me if I go with you?" Quackity hesitantly said.

"Oh, darling.. If I wanted to kill you.. I would've done so already.." The tall figure took another step closer. "Now.. If you want to live.. Let me.. mark you as my property.. and I might let you live.." He smiled and leaned down to Quackity's height.

"F..Fine.. But.. first.. promise me that you'll let me go here and see my friends.." Quackity muttered. "Deal. The name's Y/n, sir Quackity." Y/n smiled insanely. "How did you know my name?" Quackity looked shocked.

"I'm a serial killer, dear. I stalk people before I kill them. But you.. You just caught my attention the first time looking at you.. Now.. shall we go?" Y/n smiled and reached his hand out for Quackity to hold.

Quackity breathed out and held Y/n's hand, who picked him up and jumped out of the window, expertly landing on his feet and running into the forest at an animalistic speed. The shorter male held onto Y/n, making the killer smile widely.

After minutes of running, Y/n stopped as he saw a view of a mansion. He smiled and put Quackity down. "Woah.. This.. This is where you live..?" Quackity asked, looking at it. Y/n nodded and smiled.

"Wow.." He smiled and went inside. Y/n followed him, watching Quackity's amusement. "Do you.. like it?" Y/n asked quietly and hugged Quackity from behind, making him gasp softly. "I.. I do.. But.. What are you doing..?" Quackity whispered.

Y/n kissed down Quackity's neck and smiled. "Welcome to your new home.." Y/n whispered in his ear, sending shivers down his spine. "You're all mine now.. My property.." He whispered. Quackity leaned into his touch and smiled, slightly liking it.

[A few years later]

Quackity laughed as Y/n lifted their kid up in the air. "You cute little potato!" Y/n laughed and kissed the small infant's face, making him giggle and clap his small hands happily.

"Ba! Ba!" Emerald babbled, placing his hands on his father's face. "Say dada. Or Papa." Y/n smiled and chuckled. "Ba ba." Emerald giggled. Quackity watched his husband and child. He had a family of his own now. He was happy as hell

MCYT x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now