the final beginning

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Hello and welcome to the third and final book in Noah and Elijah's story - Closure!

As usual, I'd like to start off by saying that if you haven't read the previous books, this one won't make much sense to you, so please go ahead and do that first. Or don't if that seems like too much effort.

I won't be putting a trigger warning for each chapter, but instead will just put a major trigger warning here for mental health disorders, eating disorders, drug abuse, domestic abuse, self-harm and suicide. Please do not take this trigger warning lightly. If any of these topics are distressing or triggering, please click out of this book. It's a good book if I do say so myself, but it isn't worth damaging your mental health over.

A few things to know:

I want to make it abundantly clear that I am not attempting to romanticise any of the insane shit that the characters in this book do.

If I'm using any slurs in this book, it's because I'm allowed to use them.

In case you couldn't tell from the title, this book features multiple very queer relationships. If that upsets you for whatever reason, in the words of the Queen of Drag: 'sashay away'.

The writing style will also look quite different to the last two books as I'm trying out writing in the third person now.

The people have spoken and I have listened - this story is looking to contain a little more fluff than the last two. There are some new characters that I'm very excited to introduce that will hopefully bring some sunshine to this otherwise pessimistic plot.

I hope you're all as excited about reading this story as I am about writing it. Stay tuned for the first chapter of Closure!

Closure (bxb)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant