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The Khaenria'h Royal family had the throne for so many decades. But not only the throne, but a magical secret.

In the royal family, the Queen had given birth to twins: A blond woman and a blond man. Hopefully, they would be free of curse.

The boy was the oldest one, so he had to become the King one day, and the girl, who was the youngest, was satisfied with being a princess.

Sadly, they both grew in their hearts a curse that would summon a disaster.

When they both grew together, the boy showed his sister what he could do. She knew he could use magic, and she did too. Sadly, the girl was too afraid to keep a secret of such a size and ended up accidentally spilling the gossip of her brother in front of the duchess.

And when she saw what they did to him, she tried to hide her powers too. She grew up thinking that she was dangerous by it, and she ended up using her powers only in secret.

To hide the secret of the cursed twin, the Royal Family decided to change their identities. No one is gonna know.

She grew up side to side to her mother, the Khaenri'ah queen, in her fate to become a queen one day, next to a recognized prince. And she couldn't do nothing but keep herself in silence.

But internally, being a girl already arranged to a man she doesn't even know was awful and scary, she wanted to live a little more. She wanted to run outside next to more kids. At least next to Aether, her brother.

Later when she discovered she could use her magic to escape the palace for a while, that desire dissapeared.

She used to use her magic to tie a magic thread to her and the door, so she could leave by the window and know when she had to come back.

Lumine, our princess in question, used to dress with a casual outfit she had hidden to get into the people of the town inside Khaenri'ah and pass as a normal villager.

To be clear, the town was huge, and there was tons of small shops she could visit. She was never short of money, so she used to buy small things to eat and spend the day.

No one ever told her she was the queen-to-be, never. And Lumine felt so good.

One day, she was walking around the town, and saw a quartz vendor. But something she was amazed by wasn't the things he was selling, but he was a boy, a kid.

—“Get your quartz, get them now!” — He shouted with a bell on his hand.

Lumine walked closer to him with the purpose of seeing the product.

—“Hello.” — She greeted. —“May I see what you're selling?“ — Lumine asked.

The boy greeted back and got a basket with tons of hand-sized stones of so many colors and tones, which called the attention of Lumine.

In her life, her short life, she has never seen a stone like that.

—“They're called quartz“ — The kid explained. —“All of them are different because they can be used for different purposes.”

—“Is that true?” — She couldn't believe it. —“What are they made for?”

The kid was so excited to tell her all the meanings of the stones, so he started pointing them and start calling their names.

—“This is a clear quartz, helps clear the mind, achieve balance and harmony.” — He spoke with a smile on his face. —“Rose quartz is considered a releaser of negative emotions. Turquoise quartz helps the healing of the body and finally, the amethyst protects you from everything you don't want near.”

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