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The rules to not have any trouble with the princess were simple.

Number one, you would never speak directly with her, she would he offended if you aren't asked for an opinion.

Second, you would be walking at least ten steps before her. She hates having someone near and she would feel intimidated.

And third, you obey her words. She's capable of anything and you better not disrespect her.

She wanted to go outside, but the way out of the castle was somewhat awkward. Everyone just bowed to her and walked back without giving the back to the Princess, and Dainsleif was afraid of the behavior. He knew he was dealing with a rude girl, but he wasn't expecting her to be intimidating.

But he liked how her words were wishes come true by her servants. Because she seemed to be very confident about her decisions. She was sure about what she wanted and what she wanted to dissapear.

—“You better keep silence and obey my word on at least the eighty percent of the day you spend next to me, understood?” — She spoke.

But she wasn't very focused on her path when she went outside the castle and I walk backwards towards the stairs, while talking to Dain.

Because she was tripping on a step, falling down the stairs.

But she had a bodyguard with excellent reflexes, enough to walk those ten steps and catch her before she fell.

—“I'm sorry about breaking the silence rule, but I may ask if you're alright, Your Majesty” — He spoke —“Are you hurt?”

Lumine was catching her breath, she was scared by the accident. She looked at the man she had in front of her, with his blue eyes looking deep into hers, holding her waist with one hand and her wrist with another, holding thightly her body to help her not falling.

—“I...” — She looked at a side. —“I suggest you to not distract me.” — She spoke, standing up and walking ten steps further him.

Princess Lumine was really cold and nothing could change that fact. But she had a weak side that no one could touch.

And this man did.

Lumine was embarrassed, she would be seen as a weak person when she had to radiate with profesionalism and terror. Things like this would never happen.

They must never.

They walked to the Royal garden, where they had a big water fountain. Lumine sat on the edge and the maids brought a table with desserts for her. And ten steps far from her, there was her knight.

—“Today's weather is amusing.” — Dainsleif tried to speak.

—“It surely is.” — Lumine spoke —“And now you dared to speak, you must pay the price.” — She looked at him from her seat.

Dain was confused. Her gaze was complicated to decipher, but he tried his best. He wouldn't mess up in his first day of work, right?

—“Anything, Lady Lumine” — He bowed.

—“From today on, you will tell the queen absolutely nothing negative about me.” — She seduced him with a piercing look. —“And if you do, believe me when I say I can make you pay in all forms.”

Dan swallowed hard. If the queen hired him because of bad behavior, he realized she wasn't wrong. And yet, he had no intention of dying at the Princess's hands. Not now.

—“There's something i want to try and it is bringing my brother back. And you will collaborate.” — She stated.

Dain had no turning back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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