Cryo Freeze

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Just as before, Bucky was put through the same process as his best friend. And as mentioned before, due to Zola, the words that made him into a brainwashed murdering soldier were incorporated into his mind already.

Bucky's cries silenced by the end of the words that ultimately became his undoing. The scientist smiled at the man. Yes, a man, random at that, because right now he was not Bucky. He was the Winter Soldier now. The guards that once felt superior to the two now super soldiers now trembled with a slight glance from them.

After letting the soldiers adjust, the scientist gave them their first order. The order being to fight each other, more or less training. Arcane and Winter were ordered into pit like cell that was made for them to train with one another. The scientist got both soldiers attention. "Fight, I'll tell you when to stop." The scientist sat down in a chair observing the two and writing down his observations in his journal. The soldiers turned to each other both now in defensive stances. The Winter Soldier made the first move, going in for a punch with his metal arm. Arcane easily dodged his attack and countered with a hard and solid kick to them stomach. Winter fell back with a grunt, he quickly stood to his feet again and went for an alternate choice of attack.

The spar went on for a good two hours, Arcane dominating most of the fight. It ended with Arcane lifting Winter up by his throat and slamming him back on the ground.

The scientist sat up from the seat closing his journal. There was a smile on his face while he began laughing. Winter only stayed down for about ten seconds before he stood back up, unfazed. The scientist began clapping "you two are just amazing." The soldiers did not reply but waited for any order of some kind, their faces stern.

"You both will be one of Hydras best weapons, for all the years to come." The man moved closer to the cell. "And you Arcane..." he stared in her eyes "..are special." Her demeanor was strong. It was if you could feel it. The scientist turned around, now facing the other scientists in the room. "Prep Winter for Cryo freeze, I will take Arcane to my study room. I am not done with her yet." While saying the last part he slowly turned around to the soldiers again. The scientists all nodded and rushed around wanting to please their commander. He opened the cell and motioned for the two to come out.

"Make sure he is alright as well, check for injuries, Arcane here packs a punch." The scientists tried to grab Winter in order to guide him but he aggressively pushed them. "Uh uh Winter, do as they say." The soldier quickly nodded in affirmation. He then followed the scientists near a tube.

The scientist looked over his shoulder, "You Arcane, follow me." The soldier obeyed his commands and followed the still unnamed scientist. They made it to what Arcane assumed to be his study room. "Sit." The scientist said while also sitting down himself. Arcane made her way over to the nearest chair. The scientist reached in his desk and pulled out a wooden box. Inside adorned a green liquid in a syringe. "While Arnim worked on his Winter Soldier program I worked on something of my own. The serum I gave you was different than Winter's, stronger than his. The serum that truly gave you your strength was of my design." Arcane only nodded but was intrigued.

While I did make that serum I also made a booster of sorts. To... how would I word it?" The scientist thought for a few seconds. "Ahh it was more to Enhance your Enhancements." Arcane listened on. "You see I had to see if my serum worked, and now knowing that it does work gives me validation that my booster will also be a success." The mad picked up the syringe from the wooden box. "After I give you this you will be stronger than Winter, Captain America, and anyone for that matter." The scientist than proceed to grab an elastic rubber band. He moved from around his desk and brought a stool to sit in front of Arcane.

"My name is Alma Kiev. I know that my work will most likely never find light. So, I tell you my name now so that when I and everyone else I know dies, you can be the one to at least remember me." Arcane wasn't sure why the scientist she now knows as Kiev is so keen on being remembered but she simply gave her usual response, a nod of her head. "Now I will be honest with you Arcane. Once I give you this booster you will have to endure the worst pain you've ever experienced in you life. But I also promise you this, it will make you unstoppable, it will make you the best." Arcane contemplated her options.

"Tell me now soldier if you wish to not have this be done, because I will have Winter come and take it. Or tell me you do, tell me you want to take a chance and become one of the most powerful creatures on this planet. Pick now, either worthlessness and cowardice or pain and power?"

Arcane didn't even need to think twice. "Do what you must Doctor Kiev." Kiev's face lifted in anticipation and excitement. "Great." Arcane rolled up her sleeve already preparing herself mentally. Kiev wrapped the elastic band around her bicep. "As you know there will be pain, but all the effects are not known as of yet, due to you being the first one to be tested and tried. I will also take notes of the results just so you are aware." Arcane nodded firmly already wanting to get it over with. Kiev began to insert the needle. "You will start to feel it in about..three minutes." He told her once he finished emptying all the booster in her system.

Arcane stared at her arm once he took the needle out. I will tell the guards to take you to your cell. Once the effects are over you'll train for a few days, then you'll be prepped and inserted into Cryo freeze. Is that understood soldier?" Kiev stated more than asked.

"Da." Arcane said with confidence.

The guards then led her into her room that was a slight upgrade compared to her old cell. Before Arcane could admire it she was strapped to the metal bed. "For yours and ours protection." Said one of the guards strapping her up. Before she could nod to thank him she felt an excruciating pain circuit throughout her body. She screamed loudly startling the guards still strapping her down. They quickly finished and left the room.

"Ahhhh!" She yelled out from the pain, wanting it to stop. The pain was so severe that she was pulled out of her mind control. It wasn't Arcane anymore it was James. "Bucky!!" She screamed for her best friend, unaware that he was now in a deep sleep inside his Cryo freeze tube. "Stevie, please, save me!" Sadly her brother did not hear her desperate cries. Kiev stood out the door, which had a visible opening for him to see in and observe the room. He sat down on a chair that one of the guards brought him. He opened his journal that was more than halfway filled by now. He watched her every move intently.

Arcane pulled at the restraints that held her in place. With very little effort she broke them, the metal clanked to the ground. Kiev quickly wrote this down not wanting to have his eyes off of his super soldier. The pain overwhelmed James' body and she rolled off the bed. She dropped with a thud and a yell. She felt as the booster flowed through her body, burning every cell.

After a half hour of excruciating pain and screams of pain, James stood up. She stared into Kiev's eyes who also stared right back at her. "You are amazing because of me." Kiev I evilly smiled at her. Before he could comprehend what was happening, James ran to the metal door that stood between the two and grabbed him by his collar tightly. He began to choke , but she wasn't able to keep her grip, her body too exhausted. She let go of him and collapsed to her knees.

Kiev stood away from the door quickly the guards rushing to him in concern. "I'm fine." He practically yelled while holding his surely bruised neck. "That wasn't Arcane, it was James Rogers. I want Arcane back, you all know what to do." The assistant scientists nodded his head and ordered the guards to take James to the conversion room to get her mind wiped of her true self once again.

James awoke with electricity shocking and frying her brain. She almost immediately after waking up passed out from the pain, not even getting a chance to react. For almost three hours the process was repeated. Kiev stood there watching the girl come in and out of consciousness.

After thinking she's had enough he read out the ten words that James loathed. "Exulansis." The last word left his mouth and he watched as her face contorted from one of pain to one of tolerance. "Prep Arcane for Cryo Freeze we don't have time to wait anymore." Kiev told the scientists. Arcane obliged to everything asked, not having a choice other wise. Arcane was placed in a tube right next to The Winter soldier. Right before entering she saw his face and shuddered from how cold he looked.

Once she was placed inside Kiev walked up to the front of the tube. "Until we meet again." And with that Kiev nodded his head and the capsule was shut trapping her in the tube. She breathed out, her breath coming out in small clouds. "Until we meet again." Her eyes closed letting the cold overwhelm her.


Exulansis; James Rogers Where stories live. Discover now