Redroom and Hydra

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Decades passed and the duo that was The Arcane and Winter Soldier soon became the most feared names in Hydra history. The soldiers got their job done every time, no delays. They were efficient and effective. Though sometimes there were slight setbacks. Over the years after being repeatedly taken in and out of Cryo Freeze at least one of the two soldiers overcame the mind control that was used on them. Bucky usually being the one to break out. He would remember everything, his life with James and Steve, as well as all the killings he, or well, The Winter Soldier inflicted on countless of innocents. Fortunately for Hydra it was an easy fix, all that needed to be done was an utter of a mere ten words, and then he would be back to the emotionless Winter Soldier. James on the other hand almost never broke free. It was as if she gave up trying. She did breakout though, once, but only after she had seen a picture of her brother. Again for Hydra it was an easy fix.

Right now Arcane was being taken out of Cryo Freeze, it had been at least four or five years since she had last been awakened. Winter was still under, Hydra decided that they did not acquire both assets, just their best. The soldier stood up and away from the scientists that helped her out, she was trying to get her legs used to walking. The tube that she soon realized was her home took a toll on her body, it made her joints stiff and mind stiffer. Hydra agents all around her stopped and stared at her in fear. She paid them no mind. After a few stretches her limbs finally became accustomed to moving again.

She look towards the table a few inches from her, which held her suit. She knew what to do, it was a routine of sorts. Arcane moved in silence. She made her way to her specific room. She knew her way around, having been at this facility for numerous years now. After entering her room she walked straight to the bathroom. She stripped from the mangled clothes she had on previously and turned on the water to the shower. She made sure it was streaming hot them immediately jumped in. Arcane cast her head down welcoming the scolding water on her skin, though the warm water only reminded her how much she hated the cold tube that she lived in. Head still down, she watched as the old blood from her last mission slid from her body down the drain.

After her shower she put on her sports bra and boxers. She was in front of the mirror in her bathroom. She looked at her body in the reflection. Her eyes roamed over the scars that adorned her body. She ran her hand through her now short curly hair. Hydra made sure to make her unrecognizable. It was clear that James Rogers took after her father more than her mom, while Steve took after their mother more so than their father. James got her fathers brunette curly hair and Steve got their mothers blonde straight hair. It was also the same with the siblings eyes, just like her father hers were hazel, and Steve's were blue like their mothers. Other than those obvious differences in features they were near to identical. That is why Hydra made an effort to disguise her face and body with her mission suit.

Arcane turned the faucet to the sink on and splashed cold water on her face, her body was exhausted. She knew her superiors had high expectations of her, any sign of weakness was not an option. Arcane turned the faucet on and grabbed her suit. She began to suit up not wanting to keep anyone waiting. After being fully suited, except her mask, she walked to where she knew she was needed.

"Ahh Arcane." Gideon Malick one of Hydras most feared leaders smiled upon seeing the super soldier. Arcane only nodded in acknowledgment, she rarely spoke unless she had to.

"I have a mission for you." Again she only nodded. Of course she knew there was a mission or else she would still be asleep next to Winter. "I need you to go undercover as an agent. Make sure to go unnoticed. I don't care how many casualties, I just want the job done any means necessary." Arcane nodded and turned to leave, but Gideon spoke up "I'm actually not done." Arcane gave him her full attention not meaning to disrespect her leader in any way. "The Red Rooms head and leader General Dreykov, also needs the same intel from S.H.I.E.L.D. So we've decided decided to pair our best agents for this mission. You will have a partner from the Red Room. You have a week from tomorrow." Arcane knew not to ask questions and answered simply. "It will be done."

Gideon smiled. "Get your gear together I will personally take you to meet General Dreykov and his agent. I'll have an officer give you a descriptive debriefing." Gideon knew he would only get a nod back. "You have five minutes." Arcane turned around and made her way to the equipment room where a pleathers of weapons were waiting to be needed and or used.

Arcane made quick work of grabbing her signature M16A2 rifle along with her sword. She made sure to pack a bag filled with other weapons just in case, but she knew she would most likely not need them. It only took the soldier three and a half minutes to gather all her clothes and equipment before her and Gideon were being drove to their destination. Upon arrival Arcane made sure to secure the mast that now covered her face. She opened the door and hopped out the car and moved to the other side to open the door for Gideon. The man lead Arcane and the group of highly trained hydra agents inside.

A guard that was waiting a few inches from the door in expectance came up to the group. "Please Mr. Malick, this way." The group followed the guard and were directed to a room. "The General is in here." The guard opened the double door for the group. A slightly overweight man with glasses turned to see who entered the room. A smile made its ways onto the mans face. "Gideon." The mans Russian accent was thick. Gideon returned the generals smile. "Dreykov." The both greeted each other with a firm hug and handshake. "How have you been old friend?" Dreykov asked not acknowledging anyone else in the room. "I've been good General." Dreykov again smiled "That's great to hear." Finally paying attention Dreykov's eyes moved behind the Hydra leader to where Arcane stood fully suited looking incredibly intimidating.

"This must be The famous Arcane Soldier, a pleasure it is to meet you." Arcane nodded to the man in respect. "Let's not waste any time then, Angel, bring in my Black Widow." The guard nodded his head and then left the room to follow his orders. Dreykov leaned on the front of his desk and crossed his arms all while studying the super soldier. Only about a minute passed before the guard came back with a beautiful red headed woman. She wore a skintight cat suit with a black belt attached to her waist, in the middle held the widow symbol in red. "Natasha, please come in." She moved to Dreykov's side facing both Arcane, Gideon, and the Hydra agents. "Wait outside." Gideon ordered the Hydra agents, they did as they were told and closed the double doors in the way out.

"Arcane meet Natasha Romanoff, my best widow, my Black Widow. Introduce yourselves." Dreykov's told the highly skilled assassins. Natasha stepped forward extending her hand. "I'm Natasha Romanoff." Arcane stood still, no one knew what the soldier was thinking, the mask blocking off any insight. After a few seconds "Be nice." Gideon told his soldier. With that the suited soldier also took a step forward. "I'm Arcane." Arcane also extended her hand out and met Natasha's halfway to shake. "This is just great." Dreykov said to Gideon while he smiled at the twos interaction. "Indeed." Gideon replied. Dreykov nodded and clapped his hands together. "Okay now that introductions are over you two have a flight to catch." Both the Widow and The Soldier let go of one another's hand and took a step back. "Yes, they do. Arcane it's time."

Dreykov turned to the soldier and the commander. "Let's walk them out." Dreykov's words were directed to Gideon. The Hydra commander nodded. Dreykov was the first to move Natasha not far behind. Gideon the followed the redheaded assassin while Arcane followed behind Gideon. The Hydra soldiers that were patiently waiting for an order began to move upon seeing Arcanes head nod toward her direction. Dreykov was leading the to the air strip were the planes and jets were located, which was in the back of the Redroom facility. Arcane observed the many girls that stared at the group on the way out interested in the makings and objectives of the Redroom. Finally reaching the back everyone stopped about fifth feet away from the private jet that was ready to be boarded. "Here we are." Dreykov's eyes were on the jet. "Goodbyes are in order." Gideon stared out wanting to talk to his most valued soldier. Dreykov nodded and also pulled Natasha to the side.

"You know what to do Arcane. Hydra does not fail, and neither do you. Understood?" Gideon more told the asked. Arcane nodded her head in confirmation, which in turn brought a smile to Gideon's face. He extended his hand and Arcane did as well, pulling each other in. "Hail Hydra." Arcane separated and nodded "Hail Hydra." Her voice was firm. Arcane turned around and grabbed the bag she had packed previously from one of the Hydra agents. Natasha was already waiting for Arcane to board the jet with her. Once seeing her part from her commander Natasha she began to board the jet knowing Arcane would be close behind.

After boarding Arcane put away her bag and entered the cockpit. Natasha was already sat in the co-pilot seat. Arcane sat downin the pilot seat and made sure all the controls were in correct position to begin flight. Once secure they were both off to the states.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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