"United Again!"

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(Ran POV)
Currently walking back to my house after the unexpected faith experience. I am not alone walking, Taiga was with me. Now, I was looking at my phone and I see tons of text messages and missed calls from Moca.
Ran: Ah shit! She must be mad.
So I decided to call her while walking.
Moca(Call): Mou! Ran-chan didn't answer any of my calls and text. I am mad. Hmph!

Ran: Moca I am sorry! I just was in an emergency state. Don't worry I am already done!

Moca(Call): Hmm. Okay! Moca-chan forgives my love.

Ran: Thanks. I Gotta go now. By Moca.

Moca(Call): Bye! Love you!

Ran: Love you as well.
After the call, I put my phone back inside my bag and continued on focus walking home.
Taiga: That was Moca right?

Ran: Wah!
I was surprised that Taiga is now shrunk into a figure size and currently sitting at my shoulders.
Ran: You scared me!

Taiga: What?!

Ran: I didn't notice you can go small.

Taiga: Haha! I can change size anytime based on my liking!

Ran: I see.

Taiga: So tell me, that was Moca-chan?

Ran: Yeah.

Taiga: I saw you both kiss.

Ran: W-WHAT?!

Taiga: Don't worry, I can't even tell anyone except you.

Ran: Oh right.

Taiga: Moving on, why does this Earth didn't reacted when I appeared for the first time?

Ran: There is already an ultra in this world.

Taiga: Really?! Who is the name?!

Ran: Trigger.

Taiga: Oh! That's the ultra I heard from Z! So where is this ultra now?!

Ran: She is one of my friends.

Taiga: Oh! She is a girl?!

Ran: Technically yeah if it's a host that you're talking about.

Taiga: Okay I got it, where is she?

Ran: Sacrificed herself just to stable the core of this world.

Taiga: Oh...

Ran: But she promised to return before New Year.

Taiga: Good! Maybe I can meet her personally!

Ran: Just heads up. She is already taken.

Taiga: Wow! That's a shocker!

Ran: Oh! Made it home.
Finally, at last, made it home. I went inside and greeted my father who was still preparing to close the flower shop. After, I immediately headed straight to my room and drop my guitar and bag in their rightful place. Then, I immediately grab my pajamas and prepare myself to get change.
Ran: Can you exit my room for a moment?

Taiga: Why?

Ran: I need to change...

Taiga: Ah. Sure.
Taiga then rushed into the wall which made me surprised there for a second. Then I quickly change into my pajamas and tell him that I am already done changing. Then, he immediately went into my room through the wall again.
Ran: Still surprised that you pass through walls with no problems.

Taiga: Haha! Sadly I can only do that when I am in this state.

Ran: True.

Taiga: I was about to say this before you ejected me from your room just a moment ago, What a nice room you have here.

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