My First Night

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Authors note

Thanks for clicking on. This is my first published thing so it will probably get better as I go.

The dialogue will be written with speak indicated by font so here is a key if you get confused

Kaia - Is my DR self and my speech looks like "this"

Geralt - his speech looks like "this"

Jaskier - their speech looks like "this"

Yennefer - her speech looks like "this"

hope this makes sense and enjoy!


I meet Jaskier on my first conscious night. I became aware in my room in the inn. It was dark expect a flickering candle and a beam of light from the shuttered window. The bed was hard and the blankets were thin. As soon as my mind stopped racing, I felt the things around me to prove it was real. I made my way out of bed and realised I was shorter and thinner then in my OR. I was wearing a knee length chemise. After making my way to a small mirror by the candle I saw a myself. It was strange because I recognised myself but at the same time I didn't my face shape had not changed much it was slimmer and my freckles were gone. I had long lilac hair which framed my face, two pointed ears stuck slightly out of my hair. My face had two purple eyes along with deep purple eyebrows and eyelashes. 

I thought I looked beautiful and had a quick cry before putting on the necklace I scripted. It lay on the counter beside the mirror. It was a purple stone wrapped with silver wire to create a beautiful cage for the gem. Once I wore it I looked the same as before but with black hair, human ears and the same purple eyes.

My leather bag had many beautiful dresses and shirts packed inside. I picked a plain blue dress with brown boots. It was my first night after all and I didn't want to draw unnecessary attention if I didn't have to. I through the cloak over my shoulders and willed myself to leave the room. The door was heavy and held together with iron nails. I swung it open with ease and saw a short corridors filled with the same doors. 

The sound of laughter and soft fiddle notes told me where the bar was and I slowly made my way forward. The tavern was bathed in candlelight and music. The beaten and cracked tables housed men arguing, couples holding each other after a long day and a familiar bard. I walked quickly to the bar realising I was unprepared to see him. I ordered an ale and knew how much to pay automatically which was a relief. I found a small table hidden in the corner and settled in for the show I had been waiting to see for months. As I drank I tried to think about my past and what would take place over the next few days.

I am on the run from Nilfguard, I have a high amount of elderblood in my system hence the purple hair. They want to use me as a weapon to take more of the Northern Realms. I have been at an inn in Maecht for 2 days and wrote to Geralt who is an old friend of mine.

The letter we sent were 


Dearest Geralt,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I hoped to be writing to you again under better circumstances. Two days ago when walking home I saw about a dozen Nilfguardian soldiers outside the shop I work at. Some were stationed at the stables so I had to leave my horse behind. Thankfully they did not see me. I fear because I fled on foot they will find me soon. I was hoping for your assistance in escorting me to a safe haven. If you want to I will be staying at the inn you dropped me at the first day we met I will be there till the 17th day of this month. If you are not able to make it or do not want to I understand and hold no ill will.

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