"I-I'm sorry Sou... I have to go my parents are waiting for me." Eve stutters while wiping his tears that fell down on his cheeks

"W-why are you leaving me like this?!?! Aren't we best friends?!" Sou yelled while crying. This was the most painful news he ever heard.

"I begged my parents but they said it's for the best, they found a new job and said the school there would be better." Eve explained.

"Will we see each other in h-high school?" Sou asked.

"I hope! I can't say we will for sure... good bye Sou." Eve said running to his parents. Sou stood there looking at Eve in the distance but eventually Eve's figure disappeared. Sou walked home in the rain with tears falling.


"Sou it's time to wake up. You don't want to be late for school." Sou's mum said.

"O-oh okay." Sou replied. He got ready in the bathroom then grabbed his back pack and left.

At school Sou went to his new friends Mafumafu and Soraru. He met them on the first day of high school.


Moving Away (evesou)Where stories live. Discover now