Fight for you

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Olivia stared at the little boy for a moment and then broke out into a smile.

"I'm not sure yet hun, but im gonna fight for you. I'm gonna try to make sure you can." She was so shocked that he had called her apartment home and so happy at the same time. She had provided this little boy, who had never known anything but hate, love and belonging and it had paid off. He knew where he belonged.


Olivia sat outside family court biting her lip. She was waiting to see the judge, to find out if she could keep Cal. She sighed and tapped her foot. The door to the courtroom finally opened and she stood.

"Olivia Benson?" the bailiff called out. She walked up to him and he lead her inside. She stood beside her attorney, almost shaking and the judge walked in. The procedings were quick and after she felt a shaking relief. The judge had granted her full custody of Calvin, and that woman had no rights over him anymore.


She walked into Calvin's hospital room grinning. He looked up in time to hear

"Calvin, you get to come home."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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