Ever fallen in love (with someone you shouldn'tve)

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And if I start a commotion

I run the risk of losing you

And that's worse

(The Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn'tve)

This chapter is NSFW.

Jen was tired. It had been a long, long week, with engagements and the public and her doctors and Rick and Madeleine and the press and only one thing had kept her going; the thought of that moment when she would arrive home at Valtoria and sink into the comfortable arms of the man she adored.

So when she arrived there late in the evening to the sound of loud music blaring out of the ballroom, she groaned to herself. What is he up to? Making her way into the room, she was then even more unimpressed when she caught sight of Hana, happily chinking her cocktail glass against Maxwell's. They both turned to look at her, with matching welcoming smiles on their faces.

Jen knew she had to keep this conversation light, so Hana didn't suspect anything, but as she had no idea what Maxwell had said to Hana, it was going to be tricky to negotiate. Oh boy, did she need to have words with him later. "What's going on here?" she said, doing her best to sound curious rather than annoyed.

"Jen!" Hana ran to her, and gave her a hug. "How did the scan go?"

"Ah, well it went fine, but I...." She turned her attention to Maxwell, raising a careful eyebrow at him. "Did Maxwell tell you why he's here?" This better be good, Beaumont.

"Yes, so you can collect Chance," Hana explained, gesturing across to where the corgi was sliding around the floor in excitement. "Isn't it exciting about Maxwell's meeting tomorrow?"

Oh, so we used that story, did we? "Yes, it is!"

Maxwell stepped forward. "And thanks for letting me stay over," he said.

Ha, is he worried I'll send him home? He should be. She shot him a smug smile.

"Christopher has made me a room up. The one I stayed in after the ball."

Has he now? "Wow, you've really made yourself at home, haven't you?"

The look she got in response was maddeningly seductive. Stop it you. You're already in trouble.

"Is Rick not with you?" Hana asked.

"No, he has an engagement with the Auvernese foreign secretary tomorrow," Jen explained. "So you can understand why I was keen on making other plans."

"Ew, keep well away from those slimeballs," Maxwell agreed. "So, what's for dinner?"

You tell me. "I thought you'd already know."

"I do actually. Chris tipped me off." Jen was a little concerned as to how casual Maxwell was being about his presence here, but then seeing as Hana had found him here, he didn't have much choice. "It's one of your favourites, Jen... and mine... New York friiiied chicken!"

Yum! "Well, Hana, I think I'll be moving this one in next. He's definitely livening up the place." She looked intensely at him, relishing the tortured spark in his eyes.


After dinner, Hana headed back to her cottage. Maxwell had been dropping plenty of hints as to how he had a very early flight in the morning, so Hana hadn't outstayed her welcome. Finally, Jen and Maxwell were alone.

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