Never going nowhere

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"Nothing is different

But something has changed

I don't love you anymore

I don't love you anymore"

                          The Bluetones - Never Going Nowhere

NSFW content and strong language.


"Well, now that all the countries have sung, it's time for even more Beaumont booze to be distributed!" There was a slight slur in Maxwell's speech as he stood up and did a little spin in his flashy yellow suit. There was something unbearably sexy about his look tonight. Jen didn't think she'd ever seen him in glasses before, other than sunglasses, of course.

She smiled in Maxwell's direction as he paused self-consciously, but then she felt physical pain when she noticed his gaze linger on Bella, who lay snoozing on the sofa, curled up with her thumb in her mouth. She took a deep breath as he headed away from the seating area, presumably in the direction of the kitchens and the remaining wine.

"Well, my queen, I think you have a good chance of taking the crown tonight," Rick said, draping his arms protectively around Jen. "The Swiss entry was strong."

She nodded, noticing with a pang of jealousy as Tommy jumped to his feet and headed after Maxwell. Well, of course he would, he was obviously helping Maxwell out with the drinks service, he was a wine merchant, and that made sense. Although, she couldn't help but feel that there was more to it, after her past conversations with Maxwell about Tommy.

No. I can't get involved. I have to let Maxwell get on with his life. I've got no claim on him.

"Your Majesties." Bertrand was before them with a courteous bow.

"Oh, shush, Bertrand, you know it's just Jen," she chastised him, as he carefully lowered himself into the armchair next to their sofa. "How's life in Ramsford?"

"I was sorry to hear about your health problems," Rick said. "I have to say, you seem in better health than I had expected."

"I am indeed, and well on the road to recovery now," Bertrand acknowledged. "Thank you for your concern."

"What's been up?" Jen asked. "Maxwell hasn't said a word to me about it."

"As instructed," Bertrand explained. He looked around to ensure they would not be overheard by the other revellers. "But I owe the two of you the truth. I spoke with Father's doctors on his recommendation, as he had concerns about my symptoms. It seems that the condition he developed at my age is hereditary, and I have developed it too."

"WHAT?" Jen almost dropped her empty wine glass. Her hand was trembling. This... was not good news.

"Oh, I am sorry to hear that," Rick said. "How troubling for you. And Bartie, of course."

You..... ughhhhh!!!! Jen counted to three in her head, and took a deep breath. She had to remain composed, even though she was furious with her husband at this moment.

"Yes, and Maxwell too," Bertrand said, looking knowingly at Jen. She wasn't too worried about this response, as she was aware that Bertrand understood the depth of friendship she and his brother had. "But, they have prescribed some excellent medication. I am feeling better each day. If Father had access to these drugs at my age, I feel sure he would not have deteriorated into his coma."

"So will they need to do tests on the rest of the family?" Jen asked. She really, really needed to talk to Maxwell about this. She glanced involuntarily at her sleeping toddler.

The Royal Romance - You Can't Uneat The AppleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ