Limited Edition

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The Toy World toy store was the biggest thing  that happened to our city. When we first saw the sign on that empty lot we all laughed. Toy World is such a generic name. But that is exactly what those people built. A little mini world- each area mimicked a different land. Each part was climate controlled and gave you the feeling that you were no longer confined inside the walls of a building. In some areas you were given these little unique cars with buggies on the back and sides just outside the windows for convenience while you are driving. Yes, driving. Actual vehicles. It was absurd, yet wonderfully so. You didn't even have to go in to buy anything, just go for the experience.

I decided to treat my little girl one day, so after work I called my mother and asked if she would like to go too. We had fallen out and I knew how much she doted on her grandchild. We always found common ground with how much we loved that little girl. At any rate, the mommy bank was broke and the Nana bank was full so. You know, Why not right? Two birds, one stone.

We set out that next morning, and I was actually more excited than I let on. I always loved toy trips. There is a part of me that never died that always loved to play with toys even as an adult. Today was going to be what we all needed. We stopped at the food court on the way in so we would be able to have fun without interruption today.

Soon as we walked in we stopped and just gazed around. I inhaled and closed my eyes.  Even at 8:30 am the buttery smell of popcorn grazed my nose. The smells of spun sugar, pizza, cheeseburgers, all the junk Mom said no to as a kid wafted through. I looked around at the front carousels  and the front of the building checkouts for those who just wanted to shop quickly and not go on an adventure. The brightly colored ads for new toys made me smile and brought back all the memories of me, dog earing every Toys R Us page for my mom to know which toy i HAD TO HAVE. I wanted to come back one day. Just for me. But today was for my own little girl. Before I turned away I felt a hand on my arm and turned to face it. It was my mother who had been watching my reactions the whole time.

"I know. You were a child too once. Stop being so serious all the time!" She smiled and squeezed my hand gently before saying,
  "Now. Let Nana hold her baby, I have not seen this little one in forever!!"

With this she leaned down and tickled my daughter on her side and hugged her before taking her small hand and setting off.

In the back of the regular part of the store, there were different colored paths and signs and floor to ceiling archways to help lead to the different areas. There was a huge stone archway, blue signs and arrows leading far right towards the dolls in the 'Winter Wonderland' (because Frozen go figure). So I scooped my little one up and we headed off.

All I could do was feel in awe at how these people managed to build this store, make these areas in such a small space. We truly did need vehicles to get around them. After walking down a brightly lit, guided pathway, there is a glass door with the sign Winter Wonderland. It slides apart, and once we step in it is actually cold. Not freezing mind you, but comfortably cold. There are a few employees and a small parking lot to the right  of the little cars and customer service desk where they have you sign after making sure you do have a drivers license or at least a permit, and give you a set of keys. Guess they gotta make sure you can drive them since they're real cars? They walk us to one that has a built in car seat and all I can think is how much did they spend on building and making this place and who the hell is behind it!?? But we get in and off we go.

The area is actually pretty simple, most of it is a bunch of play areas spread between the merchandise and filler areas/photo areas. We stop at the photo areas and of course take some of the cutest photos Facebook will ever be blessed to see and we move on to the play areas. Hopefully to tire the terrible three year old out before we let her pick out her toys. Yes, I am sorry dear parents. Terrible twos extend to terrible threes. As she is scream, singing Let it Go in front of the Elsa mountain that I know they put there for that very damn reason, my mother talks.

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