The Creature

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she tossed and turned to the sound of her husbands snoring. unable to sleep she got up and silently padded into the kitchen. as she poured herself a drink she heard loud uneven snores, softer than her husbands, but just as annoying. she laughed quietly realizing it was coming from her son's room. "like father like son' she whispered to herself as she slowly pushed the door open. she reached into his crib to reposition him in an attempt to help him breathe easier except....he was sleeping quietly. the sound coming out of his tiny mouth were soft puppy snores, not nearly loud enough to be heard from the kitchen. puzzled she tucked him in and turned to leave. as she reached the door, the sound she originally heard began again. she glanced over at her baby, who was still sleeping peacefully, and silently. fear crept into her body as she slowly pivoted towards his closet preparing to come face to face with whatever continued to make that sound. she didnt have to look any further than the corner of his room. bright yellow eyes gleamed in the darkness. a creature sat on all fours  as if it was waiting for her to come closer. the heat from its breath made small clouds of steam as it snorted. She began to edge backwards in a desperate attempt to get to and shield her sleeping child. When her back was finally touching the crib, she raised her arms slowly, afraid to make sudden moves. as she began mentally preparing herself to grab her son and escape, she heard a rustle in his crib, and his small voice rang out loud and clear "NO." without thinking, her head snapped to the side to glance at the little boy, who sat up and was glaring at the creature with a heat she had never seen before.
"Shh, shh baby be very quiet. Mommy got you".
she whispered to him while keeping her body facing the creature prepared for an attack. It was as if she never spoke. The boy stood up, his eyes narrowed, for all the world looking like a tiny version of an angry parent, his stubby finger pointing at the creature as he repeated himself. " NO!." His eyes changed from brown to silver as he continued to glare at it. The creature glared back, a contest of yellow against silver. Finally it dropped its head and rose up to its full height. It was half her size. It slinked over to the childs window, which opened on its own, and leaped out into the night. Her husband who had made his way quietly into the door way, walked up to her and put his arms around her. He turned his head to their son, who now sat looking like an innocent toddler again, all the anger and force now gone from his eyes, the bright silver dulled back to the original chocolate brown.
"It came back, didnt it buddy". She tensed up and pushed him away, and looked at her husband and son.
"Again??...". He nodded and lifted their son up.
"There are some things I've been meaning to talk to you about..."

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