CHAPTER 4 Restroom

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"Freshmen, I want you all to meet an exchange student from Canada who transferred all the way here to Manila." The professor glanced to the door and Lia saw a guy walking inside. The same guy at the library.

"Can you please introduce yourself, Mr."

Every other students stare at him, waiting for him to talk but it seems like he's looking for someone's eyes until he meets Lia. Lia was a bit startled when the guy did that. He didn't look away and breath deeply before talking.

"Valerian. I'm Valerian Giltendez."


There are times when Lia didn't want to go home from school just because it's boring at home but at this time. This hour. This very second, she want to go home and never go out.

She wiped a tear in a simple manner while taking down notes. Alternately looking at the whiteboard and her notebook. She cannot concentrate. Teardrops were ruining her notebook but she can't stop her freaking tears. It's too hard to hide it all out when it comes unexpectedly.

She cannot remember how she cried so many times about this matter. This situation. This thing. This person.

It was too much to bear and Lia cannot hold it anymore. So she gathered her things, put it in her bag and walk closely to her professor so no one can hear her.

"Ma'am, I'm not feeling well. May I excuse myself?" She said softly, trying hard to prevent her tears from falling.

"Sure you can. You need assistance to the clinic?" The professor asked her.

She shook her head and was about to say something when a shadow blocked her from the sun.

"I'll assist her, ma'am." Not bothering to look to know the owner's voice, Lia bite her lower lip that it almost bled. She's suck at holding back her tears.

"Mr. Giltendez, you know Ms. Reyes?" Their professor exchange her look from him to her when he nodded.

"She's my..."

"I can go by myself, ma'am. If you may, I want to go home. I'm really not feeling too well right now."

Valerian looked at her, concerned, and looked back to their professor. "She's my friend, ma'am. I insist on assisting her."

Lia's hands turn to fists after hearing those words from his mouth. 'friend' No normal friend keeps a promise and left and be unheard for six-fucking-long years.

"If that is so. I'll leave Ms. Reyes to you, Mr. Giltendez."

After hearing those words, Lia immediately went back to her seat to get her bag and hurriedly walk outside, not bothering to wait for him nor look at him at all.

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