Chapter 3

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BROOKE POV- So we get to the studio and the bus is already there, i get on the bus and go to my ussual spot in the last row and see Brandon sitting there. For some reason i get butterflies in my stomach when i see him. I walk back and ask if i can sit next to him. " sure brooke take a seat" he says. I sit down and put my earphones in and before i know it im waking up to abby yelling that were here. I realize i feel asleep on brandons lap i look up and see him smiling at me. We walk into the hotel and set our bags down in the lobby. " now every one will have one roomate so chloe-paige, maddie-mackenzie, Nia-kendall, and Brooke-Brandon" says abby. When i here her say me and brandon im in shock at first but then i get excited and the butterflies come back. My thoughts are inturrupted by all the girls making kissy faces and brandon smiling

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